Friday, December 13, 2013

7 Quick Takes (Volume 260)

We survived the musical at our church. I was super proud of all the people involved, around 50 people total. We made an awesome team, friends! Here's a great picture of the cast prior to our final performance.

It was fun having Ladies Man, his girlfriend and Princess Dawdle in the cast. Ladies Man played our singing minstrel. His girlfriend was the Evil Enchantress. And apparently Princess Dawdle was a poor peasant girl as evidenced by her blouse.

A former student of mine brought her family down to watch and wrote this review on her own blog.

Watching Christmas in Another Land Part 1: Arcadia Found in Nebraska

Thanks, Gretchen!

But the favorite part of the weekend for our entire crew was this message left on our church's Facebook page Friday night.

The Christmas musical was AMAZING tonight!!! Kevin and Tami Boesiger have written another musical that is so professionally done, that I felt like I was at a Broadway Play.
BEST part of this though, was when my 18 year old son walked out of the church saying, "I finally get it after all these years, about Jesus, with it being told like a Disney Fairytale! It even had a happy ending!" This is was from a young man who has not wanted anything to do with religion for the past two years...and he is STILL singing in his bedroom,"I AM REDEEMED!". THANK YOU, KEVIN AND TAMI, CAST, AND CCC ! WELL DONE!!!
(He even wants to go see it again tomorrow or Sunday!)

This is why we do this, friends! I am thankful to know our efforts touched one young man.

Kevin's been sporting his pappy beard for a month now. Drama Queen, who is constantly comparing us to our animal look-a-likes, thought he looked like Elmo when he tried on Ladies Man's new glasses. What do you think?

Never one to let it go, Drama Queen must have been the one to leave this little ditty drawn in our shower, don't you think?

Silly girl! I am happy to report the pappy beard is no more. No more ribbing for Kevin and shaving has worked to his advantage because, well, um, he looks so good to me now . . .

Princess Dawdle's brothers put on their very best to be her "Man Candy Monday" entry on Facebook.

Mmmmm . . . yeah. Sadly, I don't think they made the cut.

Princess Dawdle thought she was being funny when she posted this on Facebook and tagged me saying, "So maybe you're not this bad, but . . ."

Ha ha, sister! I do believe we are BOTH getting better.

Ladies Man has too much time on his hands, I think. In the midst of production week, he created this for his trombone buddies.

Yes, that is him, balancing his pbone on his chin. The saying is VERY appropriate. Nice work, bub.

And now to get you into the Christmas spirit (or totally repulse you, you decide), here's a pic of Ladies Man wearing the same Christmas hat he sported his very first Christmas when he was one month old.

And that's a wrap this fine Friday, folks. May you enjoy your weekend and catch more Quick Takes at Conversion Diary!

Friday, December 06, 2013

Sorry, friends. No time for Quick Takes this week. Come see what I've been doing instead.