~ Liz Curtis Higgs~
My head knows this is true. My knowledge of Scripture confirms it. Godly people I respect and admire concur. It is pretty and appealing, causing me to imagine a compassionate Father holding me in His lap as I weep. It's a beautiful picture of love, one I desperately want to grasp.
But. . .sometimes I just don't feel it.
In the dark I plead, "Lord, where are You? Why? Why are we doing this? Where did I mess up?" I second guess myself. I second guess my God. Some days His path does not seem worth the pain. I ask Him to show up in a big way and the day goes on as usual. I pray for His comfort and still I cry into my pillow. If He is really there in the tough times when my faith is weak and my emotions raw, why can't I feel Him?
Though I don't feel His embrace, it is still there. "He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart. . ." (Isaiah 40:11)
Though it may take me a few days or weeks or months or years to work through the present crisis, He is near, holding on tight. "The Lord is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." (Psalm 34:18)
Though I can't physically feel His hand on my head imparting His blessing, it rests there nonetheless. "No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it." (Hebrews 12:11)
Though I can't see my way out of the dark, He will see me through. "The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles." (Psalm 34:17)
These promises are not idle words, they are HIS word. They are TRUTH, whether we feel it or not.
Therein lies real faith, real, enduring, steadfast faith--believing when we cannot see, believing when we cannot feel. This is what separates the men from the boys, (the women from the girls?), the faithful from the faithless. Trusting when we can't feel His presence puts our faith in the big leagues. I may not feel, but I can know and knowing His Truth provides stability in the darkest of days. May we embrace the times we can't feel Him as an opportunity to show God how serious we are. May we rest in Truth.
Thanks to Iris for hosting this week's "In Other Words". Check out some other takes on this quote by visiting her at Sting My Heart.
But. . .sometimes I just don't feel it.
Isnt that the truth! But thankfully he gentle reminds us, in ways we cant deny, that his love is unconditional, and his grace is all sufficient.
Thanks for sharing!
Knowing despite lack of feeling, praise the Lord that we can KNOW regardless of how we feel. What an awesome God we serve.
I am sorry that I am so late, but I tried earlier and blogger comments were down...
Anyway - I don't think that we have to "feel" His grace - we know that it is there if we are willing to receive it :).
Thank you so much for participating this week and sharing your thoughts.
Blessings on your evening and alwasys...
We can't always feel, but we can know. So true. Feelings come and go but the truth remains constant and God is faithful. Great post.
I ma so grateful for the reminders that He is still there even when I just don't feel it.
Great post! Thanks so much for sharing!
"I may not feel, but I can know and knowing His Truth provides stability in the darkest of days. May we embrace the times we can't feel Him as an opportunity to show God how serious we are. May we rest in Truth."
Reminds me of the song... the Voice of truth. Your words are full of life Tami, thanks for another great post. Luv ya!
Thanks for your post Tami! I definitely know how you feel. I've been there. Sometimes I am still there. My mom told me something great once (well more than once but anyway). She said that I should not listen to my feelings because they cannot always be trusted but to listen to my heart. The way I see it God speaks to our hearts and sometimes He whispers so we have to listen closely. However our feelings seem to be loudest when we cannot hear out hearts. Love you.
I think the times we cannot feel Him are the times He is asking us to remember Him and reach out to Him. Sometimes great benefits come out of those times!!
Hi Tami - good thoughts here. I can relate, as I'm sure we all can. Thanks for visiting my blog - I'll be back.
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