Monday, March 12, 2007

A Message to Those Going Through the Motions

A relationship with God is more than following the rules and going to church and doing the "right" thing. God is not a fairy tale, a nice story we tell ourselves on Sunday to feel better. He is righteous and jealous for you. There is more to Him, SO much more. And if we don't find out what our lives can be with Him, we are denying ourselves something spectacular. We are missing out. Don't you want MORE?

If you're not going to follow His ways which are built for your best, why not denounce Him right now? If His laws are not good enough to follow or don't apply to you, then HE is not good enough to follow and doesn't apply to you. You may as well come out and deny His existence all together. Go ahead. Say it. Say God doesn't exist. Decide this God question once and for all and quit feeling guilty. Scream at the top of your lungs, "There is no God!"

You can't, can you? Because, what if it's true? What if He lives? What if you blow your only chance at eternal happiness?

You may not be able to say it out loud, but your actions are already denying Him. It doesn't matter that you believe in Him. It's not enough.

1 comment:

Rachelle said...

Whew. Good one. Powerful.