Thursday, March 15, 2007

Too much like George

I must be watching too many Seinfeld reruns.

There's this grocery store clerk that doesn't like me. And it drives me crazy.

I don't understand. I've been friendly to her. I've said thank you and been respectful. She's been so kind and cheerful to others I have often wondered if she is a Christian, yet whenever I come through her checkout, she is cold, short and disapproving.

Part of me wonders if it is because I always use my Discover card. Does she think it is irresponsible to use a credit card to pay for groceries? I want to scream at her, "Hey lady, I use my credit card like a debit card and record every transaction as they are made. I always pay my bill off each month and with my bonus points I've sent my daughter to church camp, bought family pictures and tickets to an amusement park, just to name a few." But then I'd be defending myself and why should I have to defend myself when I haven't done anything wrong? Isn't that like incriminating myself? This morning as I chose which checkout to go through I thought, "Don't look down on me, lady, you know nothing about me." Then I pushed my cart out of the store, passing by her station with my gnarly attitude and it occurred to me I was doing the same thing, assuming too much about her.

How do You want me to love her, Lord? How do I love the people who don't love me? How do I show mercy to someone who doesn't approve of me? And how do I quit being such a George?


Rachelle said...

Funny stuff! True, and thought provoking, but still amusing!

Susannah said...

What an interesting story from your life. Friendly check-out clerks do make a difference in our day don't they?

Who knows, this poor girl may have just received a cancer diagnosis, or maybe she had a fight with her boyfriend, or maybe she has a wayward child. I think I'd be gnarly too if I had to stand all day in a store!

You sum it all up with a terrific insight: Then I pushed my cart out of the store, passing by her station with my gnarly attitude and it occurred to me I was doing the same thing, assuming too much about her.

Blessings on your day! :~)

Rachelle said...

I've definitely had experiences like that. My habit is to pray that God will give me eyes to see her as HE sees her. It's almost magical what happens when that prayer is answered. I no longer have to ask "how do I love her?" because it comes easily when I see her through His eyes.