Nearly twenty-four hours earlier, he started getting the living room ready for the big party. Three video game stations were set up and he made a poster to hang in the living room in order to dress things up a bit. He even surprised his mother with a sign saying "PLEASE USE COASTERS. HOUSE RULES."
And now half a dozen twelve-year-olds have invaded our house. The living room is littered with words like, "sweet" and "dude" and "awesome." Just when I wonder how I'll survive the next few hours of activity, my older son brings in the pizza. The birthday boy gets his friends in line for food, making sure his guests go first, and directs them into the dining room. He reminds them to wash their hands when they're finished so they don't get grease on the controllers. My ears perk up as I hear him say, without provocation from parents or older siblings, mind you, "Okay, we're gonna pray now." Suddenly the mayhem stops as my son, comfortably and unapologetically leads his peers in prayer.
"Dear Jesus, thank You for my family. Thank You for this food. Thank You that my friends could come for my party. I hope everyone has a good time. Amen."
It's a simple prayer, but it makes me smile and say a little prayer of my own, thanking God that this very important detail, communication with Him, is just as natural for my son as swinging a Wii remote."
To read more posts about the details in life, visit lori at I will take it Lord, all you have to give.
Amen! What a fabulous scene - what an incredible blessing! I'm being thankful with you today!
Happpy Birthday to him! He is growing up. Thanks for making me smile too.
I think I felt my heart swell with love for that kid too! How proud you must be of him. (Heck, I'm proud of him too and I'm just his aunt!) Thank you for another great blog. I love it when you write about the kids....they are each so unique and special! I love them so much!
Ahhh, this is wonderful. Praise God that your children know Him initimately, and share their faith so naturally. More good things to come for him!
My son became "chaplain" of his boyscout troop a few years ago, and now he leads his own Bible study at his college fraternity. Warms a mother's heart, doesn't it?
Blessings on this (quiet) Sunday. :~D
Wow. What a precious moment for a mom. Life really is in the details, isn't it?
Does a mama's heart good, doesn't it? He was doing what comes naturally and never stopped to think what others might say. Awesome!
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