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From the first day they shared a bedroom, they sensed the sacred quality of this chamber.
In this room conversations last until the wee hours of the morning.
They muffle their laughter under covers so as not to wake the kids.
Tears dampen pillows.
Comfort comes from the warmth of the body next to them and sleep is difficult when one is gone.
Here is where they form the bond to know what the other is thinking by merely catching their eye.
Trust allows them to process the difficulties of life out loud.
Dreams and confessions fill the air.
They endure such tense and awkward moments they are thankful for the dark of night.
The vulnerability occurring in this room softens their hearts.
The acceptance builds their confidence.
They are one in body, mind and spirit.
They understand God's edict, "Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral." To disturb the hallow ground of the marriage bed would affect all areas of their marriage.
For Happiness or Holiness?

Hop over and visit e-Mom at Chrysalis for more Marriage Monday posts.
That was lovely.
I'm speechless...
Tami, this was incredible!
Can't wait to be alone tonight with my husband♥
It is such a sacred place.
What a beautiful way of stating the truth. Marriage is for both.
Bless you for sharing my friend.
Lovely thoughts so beautifully put.
Thank you.
So true! Makes me miss him so much more. Very beautifully stated! Denise R.
Wow Tami,
this is so well written. I agree, I can't wait to be alone with my guy.
Excellent, excellent post! Love you girl.
So well put. I struggled with the either / or part of the question, too. I agree that it is both. That is the beauty of marriage, it represents so much!!
:)...A teacher and a student -- all over again! Thanks for the great reminder! :)
Like beautiful poetry...thanks for sharing this.
Tami, I love your interpretation on this topic--using the bedroom as a metaphor for all that is both happy and holy in marriage. You are a marvellous poet! :~D
Thanks for contributing to Marriage Monday today. Your tender spirit is an asset to this group.
Blessings, e-Mom
That was beautifully written.
This reminds me of a book I'm reading right now (trying - way too many books on my list) Sacred Marriage, by Gary Thomas. Good thoughts here, Tami, as usual :)
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