The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
John 10:10
A series of unfortunate events caused her bank account to dwindle. Doink. Every time she turned around another problem arose, some big, some very minor, all very irritating. Doink, doink. Though she was determined to press on, the annoyances kept coming, so much so that soon she wasn't even surprised anymore and started responding with a sigh and an "of course". She knew what was happening.
Some mornings she would awake with a jolt, as if someone had suddenly shaken her and panic swept through. DOINK! It was irrational, she knew. Guilt suggested it was probably disrespectful to God as well. Doink. The battle was exhausting and so disheartening, making her question herself and her value. Doink, doink, doink.
Yet there was no choice except to fight. Seeking after the Only Solution, she found Him faithful. He soothed the doink wounds and pulled her through. She took great comfort in knowing no matter how the thief may attack, her powerful God would use it to make her better. He would see her through the anxiety and at the same time produce strength and tenacity. He could make her soul full and rich despite, or maybe because of earthly adversities.
And so she sang,
great is Thy faithfulness.
Morning by morning new mercies I see.
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided.
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord unto me.
Can you praise your way through the doinks?

Be sure to visit Iris for more Thankful Thursday posts.
Tammi, this was great...
I'm learning, just slowly learning to trust my way through all the doinks!
He is so faithful, and ever so patient with me.
I will bless His Holy name, in all things♥
Absolutely beautiful Tammy. Bless you my friend.
God bless your thankful heart, even through the doinks of life. I'm learning that sacrifice of praise as well. Have a happy Thankful Thursday!
Awesome sweetie, bless you.
You know...I love that! Doink. I keep calling my burdens so many other things, but "Doink" sounds so much more positive and hopeful. It's not a "Dunk" - it's a "Doink"! I love it!!!
Satan wants me to feel "Dunked" - but, God reminds me that with Him, they're just "Doinks". And with Him - ALL things are possible - even working through our greatest "Doinks"!
Thanks Tami! Great message! Denise R.
Oh Tami. My "doinks" started parading through my mind like little dancing mischevious elves...as I read this incredible post. But the "Doinkenator" soothed my soul when the words to the song rang in my heart...you did very well girlfriend! You enlightened my mind and lightened my heart! I love that about you!!!
I think praising my way through the doinks is a goal that would please God.
Some days I think not . . . but your post makes me want to and makes me realize that I can.
Sigh . . .
Powerful, Tami...Yup those doinks really can add up, but like in the old hymn - Great is Thy faithfulness...I know now matter how often I find myself in the valley - I know that He is there to help me back onto the mountaintop...
Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heart, despite the doinks in life...
Blessings to you and yours...
Great post! the "doinks" have been coming but I am singing...I have been singing "How Great Thou Art"!
In His Graces~Pamela
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