Because we have vastly different life experiences, I love to run ideas by her. But she often pops my bubble pointing out a flaw I didn't see or an analogy that doesn't work. In a few seconds she can make the profound thought I've had all week seem like a convoluted nursery rhyme.
It used to bug me how she could so easily bust up my perfectly good argument and be right. She'd get that faraway, wistful look in her eye and I knew I was toast. I wanted her praise, but came away with a reality check.
And then God revealed His great plan in this relationship. She makes me think. She forces me to back up what I say. She won't let me off the hook because she likes me. She causes me to consider viewpoints I haven't known. I don't always like what she has to say, but because she shoots straight with me, I know I can trust her. Though her words sting sometimes, they sharpen me. She makes me better.
When I lose perspective, she can assess the situation accurately and quickly shed light. If I'm stuck, she provides direction. She shows me what is true and urges me to follow it. She is a woman of wisdom and completely trustworthy.
And if a compliment comes from her mouth...wow, it really means something. I know she's not just being nice. An encouraging word from her not only lifts my spirits, it heals my soul.
Though I may crave one, I don't need a fan club. I need an honest friend, willing to tell me when I'm off.
I need her.
Visit Sting My Heart for more Thankful Thursday posts.

A very interesting TT post - a good friend is definitely something we all need!
Such a sweet thankful post.
What wisdom your friend must have. You really are blessed. I bet she loves having your creative perspective as well.
This is such a beautiful tribute to your friend. Lovely.
Happy Thankful Thursday!
Wow, Tami, Wow,
This post is so well written and honors a REAL friend. I hope I am a friend like this to someone and I sure want a friend like this as well.
Love you girl. Hugs.
What a post of honor Tammy! Love your blog, you really honor God with your words.
Thanks for your encouragement whenever you visit. This post sounds like you are describing yourself. :)
Love ya,
I am undone, unworthy. Your friendship is an oasis in the desert. I hope you know how much YOU have done for me and how much your friendship means. You knew it would be challenging to become my friend, but you stayed the course and patiently persevered.
You are the one people come to for help, guidance, fun and support. To be sought as a friend by someone I admire means more than I can express.
I'll try to lighten up. Sheesh, I must seem an ogre at times.
Love you,
What an awesome tribute to a true friend.
They are a rare treasure.
Hope you have a blessed weekend.
Thanks for stopping by. I look forward to hearing from you♥
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