Seeing her walk into the room took me back thirty years in an instant, to when she was a substitute teacher at my school.
She didn't rule with fear like most subs or at least she didn't show it. She actually smiled when she introduced herself, lighting up the room, making her eyes sparkle. She was pretty and because she had dark hair and eyes like mine, I was hopeful maybe someday I could look like her. She wasn't irritated easily and even laughed a few times, flashing that smile and making me feel at ease. She wasn't crabby, but spoke gently and truly listened when we asked questions, not assuming they were meant to pull the wool over her eyes. I was drawn to her warmth and kindness. I didn't really know her. I only saw her for fifty minutes maybe once a month, but I wanted to be just like her.
I doubt she ever knew the impact she made on me. How could she? I never said anything, never gave her any indication she was a role model to me. Thirty years later, I still didn't say anything. I was pretty sure she'd have no idea who I was. I knew I couldn't have impressed her the way she did me. I appreciated her from afar and thanked God for His reminder that every little thing matters.
Being a substitute teacher, coming in and out of students' days inconsistently, I would guess she didn't set out to change lives. She was just doing her job, being faithful to what was before her that day in the best way she knew how. And yet God used her. It makes me wonder if I've done the same without realizing it. Without knowing, have I, have you, impacted the lives of others? Have we touched another by simply doing what is before us?
I'm amazed at the simplicity and brilliance in God's plan to use people this way. It takes the pressure off me somehow. No act is too small to make a difference. A warm smile goes a long way. Kindness may not be acknowledged, but it doesn't go unnoticed. Things that are not hard for me to do may touch someone. Nothing is wasted. Every day, every single day matters.
Thank You, Lord, for using us in the every day. May we represent You well.
Check out Sting My Heart for more Thankful Thursday posts.

"Things that are not hard for me to do may touch someone. Nothing is wasted. Every day, every single day matters."
Powerful thought.
A sincere smile DOES go a long way...and it is the same in any language!
You have blessed me again with these words...I am headed on down the page to read more!
Such a wonderful thankful post sweetie.
This is a wonderful TT post. Beautifully said and such an incredible thought. I'm so thrilled that He still chooses to use us. That's incredible.
It is amazing how He chooses to use us everyday. Not necessarily in the huge events, but in quiet ways. Bless you for the reminder.
Such a lovely thankful post and a sweet tribute to your substitute teacher. Thank God for blessing your life through her and making you a blessing to others too. It's encouraging to read your Thankful Thursday post. Thanks for sharing your thankful heart with us. Take care and have a blessed weekends!
God has used you in my life and the lives of all of the college students, and your kids friends, your friends, and hundred of others that have come through your doors. I look at your family and think, "wow, I want our family to be like that." You are a kind, warm, and loving family and I am blessed to call you friends.
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