I sit in the van waiting for my daughter to get out of school. The temperatures have been cooler in my corner of the world lately, a perfect 72 degrees this afternoon. The sun is shining, a slight breeze blowing and I am thankful for this little delay in my day. I put the window down, prop a leg on the door, lean my head back on the seat and breathe deeply.
I rack my brain trying to come up with a good analogy to my spiritual life (something good for the blog, you know) and it occurs to me the moment itself is enough. I am thankful for the gift of a beautiful day and a brief break to soak in its splendor.
Thank You, Lord. Your beauty soothes my spirit.
The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge.
Psalm 19:1-2
To read more Thankful Thursday posts, visit Sting My Heart.

This is SO simple and SO true! I was reading some weight loss tips the other day (go figure!) that said if you're so busy wanting the NEXT bite, then you're not enjoying the food currently in your mouth as much as you could be. A good lesson for all of life! Thanks!!
Amen, bless you.
Very true! Thank you for highlighting this. Have a blessed weekend!
The cool air is invigorating. I went and walked outside today. LOVE IT.
Love your words. Great post today. Hope you have a great weekend. Thanks for sharing your heart! God Bless~
Very nice. It's always so calming to come here. :~D
I could not agree more. Those moments are rare and so precious! I am thankful for them too.
In his Graces~Pamela
Hey Tami,
I was sooooooooooooo sorry to read about your father in law! I pray he is still recovering WELL.
Sounds like my father-in-law when we still had him.
Great post. I'd love to share that beautiful weather with you!!!
Ah - 72 degrees is indeed the perfect temperature. We are not there yet, but hope to be soon...
It is true - a break during the day is such a blessing - great to reflect on His goodness.
Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heart with us.
Blessings to you and yours...
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