Wow. I gotta say this is a tough topic for me. I was going to skip it entirely, but thought it the chicken's way out.
I don't think of myself as a big spender. I'm pretty conservative in my purchasing habits. My husband tells me I make up excuses for NOT buying things. Is that a nice way of saying I'm a tight wad? Hmmm. But I'm not sure I'd call myself frugal either. I rarely buy clothes that aren't on sale, but I don't do the thrift store thing either. I remember my mom scanning the grocery ads for what was on sale and planning meals accordingly. I regret to say I didn't inherit her skill and tenacity in that either.
But my family has known what it is to scrimp and be careful with our money. So I'll take a crack at it and share some things that have helped us.. Here's my random list of tips for frugal living.
(Drum roll, please.)
10. Plan meals ahead of time.
9. Buy groceries once a week.
8. Ask yourself before buying something, "Is this a need or a want?"
7. When we road trip to activities for our children, we save TONS of money by packing a lunch to eat on the way. Our kids think it's fun and much healthier too.
6. Make spending money a game. How many days can you go without buying anything?
5. Do home improvement work yourself and gain valuable skills at the same time. I've really enjoyed doing all the painting (learning some cool faux techniques) and even some drywall taping at our house.
4. Find cheap entertainment by visiting local art galleries, taking long walks or hitting the matinees at the movies.
3. Plan family nights at home with homemade pizza and videos.
2. Take advantage of grandparents' willingness to watch your kids. It's good for you and builds wonderful relationships that enhance your children's lives. (Our kids have the best grandparents on the face of the earth, willing to take them at a moment's notice. THANK YOU, Mom, and Mom and Dad! You have blessed us greatly! What would we do without you?!)
And my number one rule which may get me kicked out of the frugal living club:
1. Never, ever sacrifice people or relationships for the sake of pinching pennies. If this is extravagant, then I want to go down as loving others extravagantly. If faced with the choice of having lunch with a friend or saving money, I'll always opt for lunch. I'd rather spend my money on gas to see people than build up a savings account. People always come first.
Whew. I did it. Who knew I had it in me? I have to give a big thank you to e-Mom for stretching me today! For more tips on frugal living, visit her at Chrysalis.

Tami you're frugal pro... and you didn't even know it! Your list is great, and full of timely advice.
A couple of points stood out: Make spending money a game. How many days can you go without buying anything? What a winner of an idea!
Also, we do all our home improvement work ourselves too. I can wield a mean paint roller with the best of them, and I've tried drywall taping too. (Simple as kids' paint and clay, right?)
I love your last point... spending time with friends always trumps saving dollars. In fact, rather than going Dutch with girlfriends, I try to pick up the tab on most occasions. Giving is such a blessing. :~D
Thanks for jumping in and joining us today. Loved this!
Hugs, e-Mom
Number six is a winner, but that number one tip is vitally important. I'm with you, I'd rather be extravagant in love. Thanks for saying it so eloquently.
Glad you didn't "chicken out" this month.
Awesome tips, thanks.
Tami, I so loved your post! You know why? Because all the points you have made could have been written by me. I especially love your last point :)
Kind of funny, but my beloved says the same thing about me when it comes to spending :)
Thank you so much for sharing your points on frugal living.
Thanks for being a wonderful friend...especially on days I need it the most. Thank you for your gentle encouragement and wisdom. Love you.
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