(1) We're supposed to have a major dump of snow in my neck of the woods today. So far there's nothing, but school is already cancelled. I can't wait. Truly. One of my favorite things is snow and the calming effect it has on the world. Everything gets quieter. Unexpected, welcome, breaks from busy schedules occur. Love it.
(2) I have a friend who just finished chemo treatments for breast cancer. I've carried guilt around with me throughout her entire treatment process, not knowing what to do for her. Prayer didn't seem like enough.
I have this problem in a lot of areas. What is enough to do for someone? How much money is enough to give? No matter what I do, it seldom seems like enough. Often the feeling immobilizes me and I do nothing. I pray about it and listen for God's voice. If I don't feel His leading, meaning no bright idea pops into my head, then I let it go. But is this me giving myself permission to blow things off? What are our responsibilities to other people? How much is enough?
(3) Get a load of this banana!

Have you ever seen such a huge banana? Is there something wrong with my family that we get so excited about a banana we take a picture?
(4) Through his music website, Distinctive Notes, my husband has struck up an interesting relationship with a lady in Indonesia. This woman uses the free hymn transpositions on his site and periodically asks him to add other hymns. She teaches at a Christian school and speaks (writes?) very broken English, but is so appreciative of his efforts to accommodate her. This week she was looking for a specific song she couldn't locate and e-mailed him saying, "I remembered I have you." It's so cool for him to have a part in helping a small Christian school in Indonesia from a little town in Nebraska. The communication from her is priceless as her love of the same God we serve comes through clearly. Neat stuff.
(5) I have a similar internet experience myself. A guy we had in our very first youth group, I think before we were even married, found me on Facebook. This was a kid who was very quiet and we've never heard from or about in over twenty years. This shy, loner kind of kid is now teaching English in South Korea and attends the largest evangelical church in the world. He tells us we were great role models for him and instrumental in his Christian growth. Last night we chatted online and I told him I scratch my head a little every time he says something like that. We had no clue we were having any effect on this kid. And now I talk to him from halfway around the world about the marvels of how God works. Wow.
(6) I'm terrible with plants. I love them. I think they add a lot to a home environment, but I always forget to water them. Mine are looking ghastly right now. My mother-in-law puts me to shame. She has gorgeous plants all over her home, each leaf clean, shiny and perky. My husband always teases me about mine, telling me to put them out of their misery and get rid of the scraggly ones. For some reason, I can't bear to get rid of them if there is any sign of green left.
"That plant is dead," he'll say.
"No it isn't. I think it might come out of it. See that tiny leaf forming?" I'll respond.
"Tami, it's a twig sticking out of some dirt. It's not a plant. Get rid of it."
(7) I'm playing in the orchestra of a community theatre production of "Hello Dolly." The commitment of theatre and music people always impresses me. Once someone has caught the acting or music bug, they'll sacrifice most anything to do it. The people in this production have been rehearsing five nights a week for the past seven weeks! A person wouldn't do that just because it's kinda fun. It reaches something in them. It is confirmation to me that art captures the soul and tugs on it.
It makes me feel blessed to be part of a church who supports the arts in its own musical productions. Though the purpose is to minister to our community, I think the ministry is greatest to those who participate. I am changed and encouraged and strengthened by being involved. If God communicates to others in the audience, it's an added bonus. I wish more churches would recognize the great outreach drama can be, not only to the public at large, but more so to their own congregants who are a part in it.
That's life at the Boesiger house this week. Be sure to visit Jen at Conversion Diary for more Quick Takes. Happy Valentine's Day. Have a terrific weekend.

thanks once again for sharing a part of your world with me. You always make me smile with your blog posts.
I want to respond mostly to #2. I know things my friends have done for their friends who have gone through this journey. I do have cancer but it's not the same for me. I have a couple of links you may want to read to get a grasp on what a debilitating illness does to people. BUT you will never know how much your prayers mean to someone who is suffering like that. To have people come up to me and tell me they are praying for me sustains me especially when I am going through a dark tunnel. While your friend is going through the ravages of chemo and while she is recovering from that too, it'll be easy to remember to pray for her, but when she seems back to full health, she will still need your prayers, and it will be harder to remember. Keep this woman in your address book and send her a card once in a while. It'll speak to her soul that someone hasn't forgotten her. I have a couple of cards that people have sent me--I framed them and hung them on my wall. They are in my bedroom above my dresser so they are a daily reminder of God's loving grace to sustain me through whatever I go through. You don't have to post my comment, I wanted to email you but it would have come through the wrong email address. I don't want you to get the idea that I am chiding you, but that I am encouraging you--I am just pragmatic in my outlook. Sometimes the practicalities of life are what overwhelm us.
That is one gigantic banana! Did someone eat it all?
You're so fortunate to be involved in music and theatre in your church!
And yes, how cool that Indonesia and Nebraska have made a meaningful connection online. I also enjoyed your Facebook connection. God is good.
Happy Valentine's Day, Tami. :~D
Wow! I found your blog through a blog where you left a comment . . . You do realize, don't you that you minister to everyone who reads your blog by being so transparent and open.
Actually, it sounds like you and your family minister to many, many people. What a blessing to have discovered your blog!
I cannot even recall what I planned to comment on from your blog, because comment #2 really touched me with the truth of sending an occasional handwritten note or card to another. The last few years I have tried to commit more to sending out handwritten expressions of appreciation, encouragement, or love to others. And it seems to greatly touch their hearts in this day that we neglect that sort of thing for the convenience of email.
I came here to visit, because I could relate to your comment one of Lynn's posts about expectations. I concur.
How cool it is to see the changes we can make in the lives of others. I especially love when we have opportunity to serve God in helping our brothers and sisters around the world in ministry through the little time we give of ourselves to provide free ministry resources online.
God is so good! And your husband's story encourages me to continue in what God has given me to do!
Blessings to you family!
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