1) All but one of my kids have been sick this week, running low-grade fevers, coughing and coughing and coughing. It makes feel the need to stay home more and keep an eye on them and I must admit, it's been nice being here with a little change in my normal schedule. If only I was feeling as inspired to do some cleaning while I was here. . .
2) Last weekend our church hosted The Homestead Choral Festival. Our guest clinician was Mark Hayes. Mr. Hayes is one of the most prolific composer/arrangers in our country. He has over 600 published works which are found in both church and academic settings. He is an accomplished pianist as well with many recordings and publications. If you've ever been in a choir or play the piano, his is a name you know. He did a superb job with the mass choir and performed a few piano pieces for us as well. I found him to be both extremely talented and gracious. Here's a picture of Mr. Hayes, my son, Keygan, me and my husband, Kevin.

The mass choir included people of many denominations--Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Missionary Alliance, Church of Christ, Reformed, and our own non-denominational body. Age groups spanned high schoolers through senior citizens. It's a great thing to see such a diverse bunch of people come together for one purpose, crafting beautiful praise for God.
It was a wonderful experience, but the best part of the day was watching my husband. More than once I had to blink back tears seeing him enjoy himself so much. While he directed our church choir he looked like he was in heaven, nearly bursting with joy, on the verge of tears himself. He loved every second of the day and especially the concert. It made me so happy to see him revel in the fruit of his labor.
3) My family is a HUGE fan of The Office. This show is funny and creative and sometimes a good study in human behavior (although I get teased about finding value in Napoleon Dynamite too, so maybe I'm not the best judge). It's the one show we huddle around the tv (or computer, if we've missed it) to watch.
4) I'm taking a field trip with my younger daughter's class to our state Capitol on Monday. Nebraska has the distinction of being the only state in the nation which has a Unicameral government, meaning we have only one set of legislators. No separate house and senate in this land.

5) How do you encourage someone who doesn't understand God's power or involvement in life? What can you possibly say to bring them comfort? I talked with a man the other night who was down and having trouble sleeping. I have the same problem often and told him so, but didn't give him my solution because I figured he'd think it crazy. When I can't sleep I pray and meditate on Scripture. Since he doesn't have the same regard for or relationship with God, I didn't think he'd appreciate the advice. (For the record, I thought HIS way of handling problem nuts too.) Yet, ever since our conversation I have thought about him and felt sad over his lack of hope without God in his life. We have talked about God before and he is always polite, but never seems to take it to heart. I feel like I'm annoying him.
I suppose I need to share unashamedly, whether he understands it or not, whether he is annoyed or not, and let the Truth stand for itself. I messed it up this time. Lord, give me more courage.
6) My Bible study buddies gave me a huge compliment this week. They told me my house is homey and they love hanging out here on Wednesday evenings. It doesn't get any better than that. I doubt they understand how they bless me when they feel free enough to linger after Bible study is over. Our family has always believed God gave us this house to provide a haven for people. Praise the Lord. He's making it happen.
7) What do you do when your mind is fuzzy and you've got nothing else to say? Fudge on #7 and call your Quick Takes done.
Have a great weekend and be sure to hop over to Conversion Diary for more Quick Takes.

I so enjoy your Friday Quick Takes:-)
Please stop by http://godlygraffiti.blogspot.com where you'll find something for you I hope you'll accept. It'sn the second post:-)
Loved all your (6) points, but especially this one:
More than once I had to blink back tears seeing him enjoy himself so much. While he directed our church choir he looked like he was in heaven, nearly bursting with joy, on the verge of tears himself. He loved every second of the day and especially the concert. It made me so happy to see him revel in the fruit of his labor.
That's SO great, Tami. Give your DH a hug from me. I wish I'd been there.
Have a blessed weekend. :~D
I was out of town last Saturday but missed it. It sounds like it was wonderful. Your house is most definitely homey.
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