"When you grow up and start turning into a woman, your body starts changing. . ."
That's as far as I got before she put a hand to her mouth, pulled her shoulders in and giggled, feeling embarrassed about where this discussion was leading.
Isn't it nice to know ten-year-olds can still be innocent?
2) With the current economic crisis, this C.S. Lewis quote shouted at me when I read it this week--"God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains; it is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world. . . ." Sigh. Are you feeling roused?
3) Our summer musical production, "Once Upon a Rhyme" opens tonight. We have performances Friday and Saturday at 7:00 (that's a plug for you people who live close enough to come--find us at Christ Community Church in Beatrice). It's a whole bunch of silly and has been fun to work on. I get to wield the power stick again for this one (I'm conducting) and have enjoyed it.
I hope it isn't bad to admit I'll be glad when we wrap this up though. It seems like we don't get summer until this is done.
4) Yep, you guessed it. I'm still failing summer. I've done a better job of stuffing the frustration and not biting my kids' heads off, but I feel like a pressure cooker ready to blow.
5) Five days until Operation Get Out of Town. MAN, do I need it. Too bad it has to be a working vacation. A lot of sleeping and laying in the sun sounds good to me right now. But there will be lots of quiet which may do the trick too.
6) I'm having one of those Tami-you-should-have-kept-your-mouth-shut weeks. Sometimes I reveal too much about myself and people see the real self-absorbed me, which I hate. I used to be able to have entire conversations without ever putting myself into them. What happened to me? I try to blame it on my husband, Mr. Talkative, since his art of gabbing seems to be rubbing off on me, but I talked with someone yesterday who thinks our true selves come out more as we age. So maybe this has been the real me all along and I'm losing my filtering system as I'm getting older. Great. Gray hair, wrinkled skin AND stupidity.
7) We went to a wedding last weekend and I realized we could be sitting in the parents row in the next few years. My husband was only a year older than my son is now when we got married and when my mom was the age I am today, we'd been married two years! YIKES! There's no girlfriend on the radar yet, so we're safe, but the thought of life changing so drastically so quickly scares me.
It confirms to me I'm not trusting God like I used to. Isn't a person supposed to get better and better about letting things go? I'm not. It just seems like there are more and more things to worry about. But, there I go again, saying too much. I'm stopping right here.
I hope you have a terrific weekend, friends. Read more Quick Takes at Conversion Diary.

I'm so WITH you on the hormones...but this is a "better" week :)
The aging thing...do you mean...that the older I get...and the more ME is revealed that it the REAL me??? YUK! I am a pain in the butt! REALLY!
I loved reading this--because--I am learning that to really minister to women, we kind of like to read something from someone who is either 'there' or have been 'there'....so revealing the frustration of hormones....all the while holding on the God and praying THROUGH them...is helpful.
So where ever the "there" winds up being....it's a good thing to share the REAL US.
You are such a blessing Tami!
Love you! (btw---my antispam word today was shlog....I wonder if I CRY all the way through a post, it changes it from a blog to a shlog... :)
Sounds like you're having a "normal" summer for a Mom! Hope your musical production is a HUGE success.
Yes, I'm feeling "roused." Bless C.S. Lewis--bless him!
Hugs, e-Mom
Delighted to meet you. Just found your blog via a friend. I'm splashing around a bit, hope you don't mind. Thanks for writing and sharing your realness, your faith, your words, His heart.
Hugs from Costa Rica,
Sarah Dawn
PS I am going to come back more often!
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