1) Ready for more sparkling dinner conversation from the Boesiger house?
Ladies Man and Miss Innocent One started speaking with a strange accent.
Dad: Don't start that again.
(Apparently I missed something the night before.)
Ladies Man: What?
Dad: I don't need to hear anymore of that.
Ladies Man: (pulling back the outside corners of his eyes) I'm Chinese.
Drama Queen: Don't be racist.
Ladies Man: I like pandas and ping pong.
Drama Queen: That's terrible.
Dad: Yeah, you shouldn't say that.
Ladies Man: But I really DO like pandas and ping pong.
Drama Queen: You think they're over there holding their eyes OPEN saying, "I like cheeseburgers and movies"?
Good one, babe.
2) I overheard a conversation between two men, one hired to help the other reach a goal.
"You have to do everything I say, I mean everything. If I say it, you do it. Period," the first man said.
"Oh, that's easy," replied the other, "That's what I always do at home."
I know he was joking (although nobody laughed), but it made me sad, partly because he felt he had no say in his own home and partly because he didn't seem to care.
3) Wow, a woman makes a harmless comment about her hair and gets lambasted.
Drama Queen: Mom, you aren't picking gray hairs anymore, are you?
Me: Well. . .just a few by my face.
Drama Queen: MOM! Stop it! Grays hairs are a crown of splendor! Gray hairs are a crown of splendor! Stop it!
Isn't it bad enough I beat myself up about my inadequacies in countless areas? Now I have feel to guilty about my grooming too?
4) I was listening to K-LOVE when the announcer posed a question to entice audience participation.
"Should Christians celebrate Halloween?"
And I groaned. Now why would they want to open up a can of worms like that? I know good, Godly people who DO celebrate Halloween and good, Godly people who DON'T. What good does it do to stir the pot? Is one side really going to convince the other? Is there any way to escape hurt feelings? What is the point? Aren't they just rousing division? Can there be thoughtful discussion on such a hot topic?
5) We came home to find Ladies Man using a new language.
Ladies Man: Helloeth, Mometh and Dadeth.
We knew better than to ask. You wait long enough and the explanation will pop out.
Ladies Man: How waseth your nighteth?
Us: Fine. . .
Ladies Man: I speaketh King Jameseth.
6) I've been having strange dreams this week. One night I dreamed Drummer Boy had a gambling problem and lied to us when we confronted him. I woke up in a panic thinking he was a delinquent which is really not true, but you know how dreams seem so real. It took a good half hour for me to calm down, but there was no sleeping after that.
Then I dreamed I took Miss Innocent One to an amusement park in Colorado. For some reason I had to leave early. It may have been something to do with my cell phone I threw to avoid ruining it when we plunged into a pool of water at the end of a ride. It was bad enough I left her at the park by herself, but I came back to Nebraska before I realized it was a bad idea. What kind of a monster mother is that, leaving an eleven year old in a different state at an amusement park without a way to get home?! When I woke, my heart was beating something awful and my stomach churned. It was such a relief discovering it was only a dream.
Of course, if you know me, you know I wonder what these dreams mean. Do I have deep-seated fears I am a bad mother? (Or am I a bad mom?) What do you think? (Brenda--feel free to analyze, babe.)
7) How 'bout we end today with a good word?
But you, dear friends, build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit. Keep yourselves in God's love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life. Be merciful to those who doubt; snatch others from the fire and save them; to others show mercy, mixed with fear--hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh.
To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy--to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen!
Jude 20-25
Check out what other people have to say at Conversion Diary and read more Quick Takes.
Have a great weekend, friends!

How fun this week! Really enjoyed them
I had a friend who dreamed for years that she left her toddler someplace, abandoned her. She hated these dreams. They continued until the toddler was a grown woman with kids of her own, and often happened when my friend was under stress.
I finally made the connection (although I don't know if she bought it) -- this friend's father died when she was three. The dream was really about her being left alone, and it would turn up again when she felt insecure or scared or lonely, etc.
So, for what it's worth?
If it makes you feel any better, I just colored over my wisdom the other day!!
Laughed out loud when I read about the gambling problem! Tell Ladies man, I am offended about the Chinese jokes ; ) And to think Ellie likes him.
These are very interesting. I think number 5 was my favourite. Tami, I already saved your blog as a favourite so that is a sure sign I will be visiting often. Thank you for your response!
Guffawing all over the place. Can't read past #1. That's a hoot!
Sparkling dinner conversation, indeed. Thanks for making my day, Tami.
Have a great weekend. :~)))
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