1) We had a Christmas miracle last week. Our pet gecko, our lizard whom we've been feeding with a syringe for at least six months, ate a worm on his own! He's also had some trouble with shed lodging in his right eye. It's next to impossible to help him out with it. Ladies Man worries I might poke his eye out, but it looked drier than usual Christmas night, so I got out my handy dandy tweezers and dislodged a hunk of stuff half the size of my pinky fingernail! We actually saw his eyeball! Now, it's oozing over some again, but I'm thinking there's still hope, the kind I have with my plants (wait, maybe we should be worried). He's eaten worms on his own all week. I'm thinking he can finally see straight to catch them!
Poor Elmo. He gets all nervous whenever I pick him up. Doesn't he know I'm saving his life?!
2) We're having TWO rescheduled Christmas celebrations today, thanks to the Christmas Blizzard, but I'm not complaining. The snow gave us two whole days to hang out at home watching movies and such. We even played games with each other. And you'll be happy to know something about the weather put my kids in a low-key mood. I didn't wish for ear plugs once!
3) The worst bummer concerning the blizzard was Drummer Boy's trip to the Holiday Bowl being canceled. We spent all afternoon on Saturday getting dug out and preparing to get him to Lincoln in time to catch the bus, only to find out at the last minute the trip was canned. I feel bad for the kids AND the directors who had to make the call. I'm sure it wasn't easy.
4) For the last few years, instead of making new year's resolutions, I've chosen to concentrate on one word. I've been praying all week about what my word for the year should be. Last year I chose FOCUS which God managed to hone in me until about November when life got hectic. Sigh. Was there progress? I think so. I know I did a better job of scheduling my time when possible, but sometimes it made me feel like a bad friend.
The only word that's come to mind so far for 2010 is scaring the snot out of me--TRUST. What must a person go through to learn to trust God better? Start praying now, people.
5) Drama Queen started a new job at an old folks' home this week. After only two days of working she's regaled us with all kinds of good stories. It's going to be good fodder, I tell you. From one night we've heard about the guy who has a parakeet he named after himself, the escape attempt, the woman who will never forget Drama Queen's real name because she only has to add one letter to her own and, shall we say, adventures in showering? She's going to learn a lot about compassion and serving.
Drama Queen also made an important discovery this week.
Drama Queen: Did you know if you drink a cup of milk in the middle of the night, you wake up with the worst breath ever?
I am actually familiar with the phenomenon, so I knew exactly what she was talking about.
Drama Queen: I did it last night and when I woke up this morning I was like, "Ew, what is that smell?" and then I realized it was me!
So be careful with your milk consumption, people, or be prepared for noxious gases.
6) Oh. My. Goodness. We had a WONDERFUL evening with friends last night to bring in the new year. Good food. Good laughs. Good talks. Good times. It couldn't have been better. Thanks, guys, for a perfectly lovely evening. It's too bad my old body can't handle little sleep the way my younger body did. I'm a tired puppy this morning. But it was totally worth it. Love you!
7) 2010.
Hard to believe the 80's were thirty years ago now! We were discussing last night how the whole Y2K scare was ten years ago now. And think about how far technology has progressed in the last ten years. Holy moley, I'm sounding like an old fart!
But I'm a happy old fart who loves her life and wishes to leave you all with a word that matters today.
Finally, brothers, good-by. Aim for perfection, listen to my appeal, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you.
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
2 Corinthians 13:11,14
Happy New Year!
If you've got some time on your hands, read some other Quick Takes at Conversion Diary.

It's funny - we were discussing the whole Y2K thing at dinner last night too!
I like the idea of picking one word for a New Year's resolution of a sort. It's giving me something to think about for a bit - and I'll decide soon if I'm going to pick a word, and which one. Hmmm.
I can't believe that Y2K was ten years ago, either! So much has happened in the last decade. Heck, I don't think I even had an email address ten years ago, LOL.
I like your idea of one word as a resolution. Although I have lofty ideas of what I want to do this year, I'm trying to come up with a handful of small, simple resolutions that are easy to remember and easy to do, so I'm not overwhelmed with a huge undertaking that ends up being too much for me by Valentine's Day! Here's hoping that building your TRUST won't be as scary as you think ;-)
I like this 7 Quick Takes. Good idea.
Poor elmo. Thanks for the milk tip. :-)
Happy New Year
LOL: Hard to believe the 80's were thirty years ago now!... Think of how long ago our beloved 70's were? :~D
Happy New Year, Tami.
I was talking with a lady in the paint store about the last time we had this much snow, in the 70s. She said "I don't know. I wasn't born until '81." Pthhhhhhhhh.
Hey Tami - thanks for stopping by and I can relate to the fear that the word trust evokes. But at least we are not alone on the journey!
I too have enjoyed your quick takes this year, and your prolific and very down-to-earth blogging! When you're ready to write your book, let me know - I finally quit my day job and am starting my own proofreading and editing service! ;)
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