I am from purple shag carpet, from Tide, malted milk balls and candy orange slices.
I am from the white house nestled among the trees, cattle lot in the backyard, close enough to town to ride my bike there, yet far enough for stars brilliance to take my breath away.
I am from corn stalks so tall the dog got lost, mulberry trees full of fruit, juicy and plump, staining our hands, our faces, even our feet.
I am from selling sweet corn at Grandma's with my cousins, from ample food and far too much eating, from Shari and Gerald, the hearty, ever present Kubiks and the complicated Kahlers.
I am from humor, pitch and pizza, from deep thoughts rarely expressed.
From "You can do anything you set your mind to" and "Where there's a will there's a way."
I am from kids sent to Sunday school, faith being private, morals and common sense.
I'm from Lincoln, Nebraska, Germans and Czechs, beef and kolaches.
From parents who met on a blind date set up for Mom's roommate, a grandfather whose demons bruised and tortured his family, an incredible mother who stopped the abusive cycle all by herself.
I am from Hickman, Nebraska, a town as small as it sounds, of "pottery" made from clay dug up in the neighbor's pasture, of big family gatherings with lots of cousins, many of whom I saw at school every day, of collages made with noodles, rice and beans, of relatives a few miles away in any direction.
The I AM FROM poetry contest is sponsored by e-Mom at Chrysalis. To join in the fun, click here.

I love this!!! I want to play pitch with you!! :-)
Love it! So many things wrapped up into one great friend!
Loved this -- I really am loving reading other's poems on this. However, I'm constantly re-editing my own in my head every time I read someone elses!
Idyllic! Your growing up years sound simply wonderful. (Except for your grandfather.) Since I'm a city girl, I love hearing about country living.
Shag carpet... oh yes, me too!
Thanks for diving in and sharing Tami. Loved it!!!
Hugs, e-Mom
Jaime--let me tell you girl, I had your poem in one window and worked on mine in another. I kept going back and forth thinking, "What did Jaime put for that one?" So, you helped me with mine! Thanks!
Looking forward to seeing you Sunday. Love you!
This is as great as you are! Love it.
Love it! The strength of your mom to break cycles shines through. The simplicity of country life I can identify with so much.
Beautiful. I am also from "corn stalks so tall the dog got lost!" Across the dirt road were several hundred acres of maize that my sister and I would wander through for hours.
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