I do it because God clearly told me to (Click here to read about that) and you don't tell God no. But I also pray people get a glimpse of the world through a different lens pointing them to Jesus.
It's difficult to know if I reach this goal. Kind words left by some of you help me know if I'm on the right track or not, but often I think I'm merely shooting arrows in the sky not knowing where they land.
But this week I received an e-mail saying this,
Every year Internet CafĂ© Devotions hosts Blessed Aroma, a call out to blog readers to nominate their favorite blogs, in specific categories, written by Christian Women. Those with the most nominations are compiled into a list that gives us the TOP 100 Christian Women’s blogs each year.
Your blog was chosen this year in the category of: “Cup Overfloweth Blog”. We hope this blesses you as much as you have blessed others!"

Someone must be reading!
I am touched and excited and honored to be in the good company of some other terrific blogs. Be sure to click over to the Blessed Aroma 2009 Top 100 List and find some amazing women of faith.

If you were a reader who nominated or voted for me, thank you. You did this tired lady's heart good.
If this wasn't enough, I received two other awards recently.
My dear sister-in-law, Jaime, nominated me for the Beautiful Blogger Award. She has a clever blog herself where she writes most everything in the form of a poem, getting you at the end with a good punchline every time. Check out Ditchin' the Kitchen.
And then a lovely woman I met through Blessed Aroma 2009 gave me the Happy 101 Award. Thanks, Joyful. Your kindness made me happy! Check out her blog at New Horizon Reviews.
So there's the big news in my little corner this week. All I can say is Soli Deo Gloria.
To God Be the Glory.

You are one of my daily stops in the blog world (I call you part of my daily iron sharpens iron regime). This is a deserved award. Congrats!
Congratulations!!!! Your blog is an inspiration and mainstay in the Christian blogosphere... Love your sense of humor too.
Hugs, e-Mom :~D
You have a beautiful blog. Came by to say congratulations and God bless you as you continue to write in His Name and for His glory.
A greatly deserved honor. You are a treasure.
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