Tuesday, January 17, 2012

God in the Ordinary

It snowed on my birthday.

God in the ordinary.

The little girl stood on the back of the chair in front of her, leaning into her daddy's arms, her hair brushing his cheek, singing along loudly and proudly to the praise choruses in church. I couldn't help but smile seeing God capture the young girl's heart, watching His love flow from her little body, bringing joy to her parents, those sitting around her, anyone who saw.

God in the ordinary.

She showed me the animal trails as we walked. We listened for the trickle of water in the creek, soaked in the sunshine, inhaled clean, cool air. Pure. Lovely. Refreshing.

God in the ordinary.

Rushing off to the next activity after a long day of projects, I wrapped the hunk of hamburger too quickly and put it in the fridge. The blood that leaked everywhere overnight was not a welcome sight on a Monday morning, my crammed day of the week. But it got me going early, got me motivated to tackle my new week's to-do list, showed me it wasn't the end of the world.

God in the ordinary.

Just when I felt tired, worn, spent, old, he brought home a new dress, in my favorite color and couldn't wait for me to try it on. How did he know? Did he understand what it would mean to me?

God in the ordinary.

As she told me of God's mercy to her, of how He prepared her for her father's death, I couldn't stop my eyes from misting. She recounted His goodness though she's suffered years of pain.

God in the ordinary.

The moon glowed large on the horizon, so large, one couldn't help but notice and know.

God in the ordinary.

My kids, a couple fully grown and a couple getting there, make a point to give me a hug, for any reason or no reason at all and it seems remarkable, these distinct, amazing individuals calling me "Mom," truly caring.

God in the ordinary.

I feel like I've lost my way and He speaks gently, clearly, consistently. Accept. My gifts are good. I give you what you need. Wait. A Book that is more than a book brings direction, peace.

God in the ordinary.

“If I can’t find God in the ordinary places of life, either I’m not looking hard enough or he’s not nearly as approachable as I need him to be. This is a paradox too. God appears in all the ordinary places, burning bushes, naked Barbies, plumbing disasters. But when he does, those places become holy. Moses had to take his shoes off.”

from an interview with Marcus Goodyear, Barbies at Communion
God is everywhere, in everything. We only need to look.

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

Jeremiah 29:13

Where have you seen God in the ordinary?

Join my lovely friend, Cindy, for her take on this quote and links to others.

Photo Credit: yeimaya

1 comment:

Cin said...

I just took my shoes off.

Such beauty on a day it was much needed. I'm grateful you chose to post today. I don't believe in coincidences.

Much love. Much much gratitude. For who you are.