Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Some Things You Have to Do By Yourself

She's laid in a hospital bed hundreds of miles from home since the middle of January without an end in sight. I can pray for her and her family, and I do so constantly. I can send encouraging words and help with her kids and donate money for expenses. But I can't do it for her. I can't take her place for even one day.

Some things you have to do by yourself.

I got asked to speak at a MOPS meeting and I rallied my troops, asking for prayers from my faithful warriors, but they couldn't write the speech for me. Their prayers buoy me, motivate me, inspire me, calm me, but when the day came, they couldn't walk up to the podium with me.

Some things you have to do by yourself.

I know the anxiety that keeps her awake at night. I can sit up with her, tell her all the right things, distract her as much as possible, pray with her, but I can't make her mind stop racing. I can't shut off the worry, the uncertainty. I can't make it go away.

Some things you have to do by yourself.

I understand the pressure of his responsibility. I help as much as I can. I stand alongside. I support. I listen. I work. But the buck doesn't stop with me. I don't make the final decisions or give account for every penny spent. I can be done when I choose to be. He is only done when the job is finished.

Some things you have to do by yourself.

These tough things wear on us and we wish we could pass the baton to someone else, but it's okay really, good even, to have to do some things yourself. It's God's opportunity to reveal Himself to YOU. You feel firsthand the strength of prayer. You have the front row seat to a miracle. You sense your active part in God's grand plan. You learn His promise to never leave you or forsake you. You take His hand, breath deeply and allow His power to flood over you. The blessing comes to YOU.

Some things you have to do by yourself.

But it's in the alone times that God's Word comes alive. Only then do we understand "he will never leave you nor forsake you" and KNOW it is meant for us. When we are all by ourselves, the strength must be attributed to Him.

Some things you have to do by yourself.

But God is faithful. He will make Himself known.

Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him.

Psalm 62:5
What have you had to do by yourself? Did you see God as a result?

Photo Credit: aussiegall

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