Friday, April 06, 2012

7 Quick Takes (Volume 178)

1) We ventured up to Omaha for the Heartland Winter Arts Association Percussion Championships last weekend to see Drummer Boy perform. Though he said otherwise, I thought they looked good and are quite impressive. These people are moving at an amazing clip with drums strapped to them and playing nearly the whole time. He's always VERY sweaty afterwards, but I hug him anyway. Gotta do it when you got 'em, right? They're headed to world championships in Dayton, OH in a few weeks.

Yes, Drummer Boy has a blue streak running down his face, part of his costume you see. And I'm so impressed with us. With the exception of Ladies Man's shorts, we are color coordinated! We don't do this well for family picture time!

2) The adventures in Omaha continued as our van went haywire after we ate dinner. The sliding doors wouldn't open, it wouldn't start and the clock was moving backwards! We sat in the Applebee's parking lot forever, but the weather was fantastic, so it didn't seem so terrible. We ended up having to tow it away and cram into Drummer Boy's car to get home. We had four women in the back seat of his Grand Prix! Good thing we like each other.

Even more frustrating is the fact that no one can find anything wrong with the van! Checking it on the computer diagnostics showed nothing and it runs fine now. Weird. It makes a person slightly nervous to drive around in it wondering when it will get fruity again. I guess we can call it another lesson in trust.

3) This is what happens when the parents have to travel back to Omaha to pick up a van and aren't around to nag their kids about doing their homework. Miss Innocent One and Ladies Man decided to procrastinate and make it somewhat palatable by creating this birthday video. Be sure to keep watching even when the song is over for more goofiness. (Email subscribers will need to click over to the blog to view this.)

4) I am continually amazed by how connected Drama Queen and I really are. I guess I never realized it until she moved out. When you live with a person, you don't always say the things on your mind because you figure you can do it any time. But when you don't have that convenience any more, you tend to say it when you have the chance.

Case in point--this text I received from Drama Queen.

"I wouldn't have a problem at all seeing you every day this week."

Now this is something she NEVER said while living at home, and I imagine never even thought, but being separated puts things into perspective, doesn't it? I guess there are some positives to having your children grow up and move out. Love you, babe!

5) We attended another Wet Ink! concert this week, the concerts where composition students debut their pieces. This time Drummer Boy wrote a piano piece and asked Kevin to play it for the concert. When he announced his piece and introduced his dad, the audience actually went "Awwww!" It reminded me of this picture taken when he was just two years old.

And now he's all grown up, working with his daddy again. I like it.

The University's newspaper, The Daily Nebraskan, wrote this about it:

"One of the night’s most sentimental moments was the performance of 'Quietus Quelled,' a number composed by senior music composition major Keygan Boesiger, whose father, Kevin, performed the song as a favor to his son.

The title, which translates to 'death conquered,' is a reflection of the story of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection, as Boesiger explained prior to his performance."

6) I've decided that Drama Queen is my alter ego. She says and does all the things I wish I had the guts to say and do. At the Wet Ink! concert the other night, one of the presenters was a little too perky for my tastes, making corny jokes and wearing me out just watching her. She gave her quirky little speech, then sat at the piano to begin her piece. Before the music began Drama Queen leaned over to me and said, "I'm already annoyed." And I couldn't help it. I laughed and laughed cause she pegged exactly what I was feeling.

You think it's too late for me to want to be her when I grow up?

7) Congratulations to Miss Innocent One and her eCYBERMISSION team, whose entry won first place in the state competition with an experiment that created hydrogen. Sadly, they don't get to move on to regionals, but the $500 prize per team member softened the blow. Great work, guys!

That's the week at the Boesiger house, friends. I pray you have a Happy Easter and take some time to reflect on its significance. Christ rose from the dead so we may be joined with God in eternity. Definitely tough to grasp with human minds, but I'm thankful nonetheless. Where would we be if He wouldn't have come? Thank You Jesus!

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