I read an article in a local paper yesterday about a church who received a letter from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Apparently PETA feels it is inhumane to have animals included in live Nativity scenes and asked this church to discontinue its annual tradition. According to Jackie Vergerio, author of said letter and PETA's "animals and entertainment specialist", live Nativity displays subject animals to temperature extremes, harsh weather, stress, cruel treatment and hunger. Instead she hopes "churches will follow the example of a church in Louisiana that created an elaborate Nativity production including 55 actors, with 40 children playing animals' parts, rather than using live animals."
It's better to subject CHILDREN to temperature extremes, harsh weather, stress, cruel treatment and hunger than it is to use animals who likely live outside everyday? Is it just me, or is that logic a little screwy?
sounds a lot out of whack to me! i'm sure the animals on my farm wouldnt mind being out in a nativity set because...well they live outside! hehe fun blog kara! :)
sorry i called you kara haha! tami! whoops lol
Sadly amusing...It's kind of like the people who hold up save the whale signs right next to their pro abortion signs.
I always wonder about things like that. We're an interesting breed we humans. ;)
I'm so with you. I'm an urban dweller, but aren't animals of all kinds are supposed to be outside? This makes no sense. GB!
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