I saw "The Nativity Story" this week. I admit I usually shut down whenever I see Biblical robes and garb. It is so foreign, I have a hard time relating to the time period and culture and lifestyle. And of course, I already knew the story, so I didn't go in with high expectations, but a curiosity about how it would be presented. Yet, watching real people illustrate the greatest story ever told made the wheels in my head start spinning, reminding me some things never change.
God asks His people to do really hard things. I think I suffer for God at times, but I have nothing on these people.

At one point in the movie, certain that Mary has fallen asleep, Joseph looks into the heavens and sincerely pleads, "Give me a sign I am doing Your will."

I found an unexpected similarity in the expectations of the Jews then and Christians today. The Jews lived a very hard life under the rule of King Herod. He imposed heavy taxes on them and when they weren't able to pay, he took whatever he wanted, including their children.

When they prayed and hoped for the Messiah, they expected deliverance from Herod's heavy hand in their lifetime. Yet, the Messiah came and some didn't even know it. Their lives did not change. They weren't rescued from Herod's tyranny.

I am left feeling very stupid and very small, yet very thankful. How dare I feel disappointed when God does not intervene as I expected. He has wrapped up eternity for me, for you. He only asks us to wait for it a little while and trust His judgment. Deliverance is coming, people! Hang on in that hope! Merry Christmas!
1 comment:
This was a very interesting review. We haven't seen the movie yet, but I'm really looking forward to it.
Merry Christmas!!! May His presence be the best present of all.
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