~ Calvin Coolidge ~
Former President of the United States
I'm not sure why, but I've always had an aversion to the warm fuzzies of Christmas. It seems odd to me that suddenly come December, people are supposed to get more generous and touchy feely. It's a little offensive to me. Why wait until Christmas to tell people how you feel about them or show your appreciation? As Christians, shouldn't we be expressing this love and goodwill EVERY DAY? And why cloak it in "the spirit of Christmas?" Why not call it what it is--Christianity, following the lead of our Savior, Jesus Christ?
Maybe my irritation comes from the Christmas season being so busy it nearly distracts from what we are celebrating. Not only are we supposed to get all the shopping, baking, decorating, extra activities and visiting in on top of our already jam-packed schedules, but we're supposed to be extra grateful doing it. All the commotion crowds out the quiet stillness I crave. It makes me push away the gnawing within me that says I'm missing something. There must be a better way to adore the Christ child. I want to be a sheep who lays quietly next to the manger, with nothing to do except watch the baby and wonder at God's plan. I want to be like Mary, pondering all these things in her heart. The "real spirit of Christmas" is this thoughtful consideration of the work of our Lord. It is being amazed and hopeful and expectant. It has nothing to do with us and everything to do with Him.
My prayer for us all is that we would have a small bit of time to sit in wonder this Christmas season. Personally, I like to sit in the dark with only the Christmas lights on and think on Jesus, both as a baby and as Lord of my life. In the peacefulness I ponder what is to come. And in my heart, I soak in His serenity. May you find time for this stillness as well, friend. Merry Christmas!
Amen! You said this so well. Thank you!
"Why not call it what it is--Christianity, following the lead of our Savior, Jesus Christ?"
You are exactly right. Those warm feelings everyone seems to have at Christmas time, are because of our Savior, and everyone celebrating what that means, even if they do not know that's what they are celebrating.
Confusing, I know, but I've always wondered why it seems to be so different at Christmas time, and it's because what we feel then, is God's vision for us all the time. The love others feel and can't explain, is because of God's love.
Ok, ok, enough. Now it's time to deck the halls, turn up the Christmas music, shop till we drop, and let it snow let it snow. Come on Tami, get with the Christmas spirit! You want to go caroling? :)
luv ya,
That's beautiful Tami and well said!
Thank-you! Much more eloquent than the way I put it! You hit it right on!
Wow, you certainly put things into an interesting perspective! And how right you are!
Thank you for such a good post! You are so right! Many blessings to you!
What a grant picture you have painted how to celebrate Christmas. Thank you. We might just sit in the dark this Christmas, except a candle burning.
Merry Christmas to you and yours.
I don't think he was being politically correct. I think he was saying what most Christians say. I just don't think we look at it in the right light. What do you think?
That's exactly how I feel. I don't like being dictated by society how I should celebrate the season. But my husband thinks it's all fun, and I usually do have fun--yes--but I crave the quiet like you.
P.S. I received your comment by email, but I can't find it on my blog. I didn't delete it, it just isn't showing up.
That's exactly how I feel. I don't like being dictated by society how I should celebrate the season. But my husband thinks it's all fun, and I usually do have fun--yes--but I crave the quiet like you.
P.S. I received your comment by email, but I can't find it on my blog. I didn't delete it, it just isn't showing up.
That's exactly how I feel. I don't like being dictated by society how I should celebrate the season. But my husband thinks it's all fun, and I usually do have fun--yes--but I crave the quiet like you.
P.S. I received your comment by email, but I can't find it on my blog. I didn't delete it, it just isn't showing up.
That's exactly how I feel. I don't like being dictated by society how I should celebrate the season. But my husband thinks it's all fun, and I usually do have fun--yes--but I crave the quiet like you.
P.S. I received your comment by email, but I can't find it on my blog. I didn't delete it, it just isn't showing up.
"There must be a better way to adore the Christ child. I want to be a sheep who lays quietly next to the manger, with nothing to do except watch the baby and wonder at God's plan." Oh, me too! A sheep, watching the Shepherd. What a precious thought. Thank you! Great post.
Hey, here's another thought, did he actually right it? Or just say it? Did they have political writers back than?
This is a fantastic image and so well put: I want to be a sheep who lays quietly next to the manger, with nothing to do except watch the baby and wonder at God's plan. I think I'll keep this in mind as we head into this busy weekend. Thanks Tami! (Oh, I see Cindy quoted the same line... a real winner!)
Man this was good. This didn't get sent to my e-mail or I would have commented sooner. What a helpful reminder! I love Christmas but often get frustrated with myself when I get exhausted during December and think, "What am I missing?" I forget that so many opportunities exist every day to love and appreciate people. Thank you for helping to bring things back into perspective! Great post! Love it.
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