A long night. Tossing and turning. Dreaming, waking. No real crisis, but a general sense of anxiety. Are You there, Lord?
Redeeming the time in the wee hours of the morning didn't help. Familiar Bible passages that usually do the trick did not calm. Earnest prayers, but no peace. Be still and know that I am God. Quiet and concerted focus on God alone, yet the heaviness lingered. I miss You, Lord.
There was seeking, but no finding.
Even so, life went on. Tasks were accomplished. People attended to. Decisions made. The day passed without incident. Is it possible. . .could You be there all along without me feeling You?
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
Whether we feel Him or not. Whether there is joy or pain, laughing or tears, calm or nervousness.
. . .weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.
Or a few days later.
. . .you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
Thank You, Lord.
Photo courtesy of Agent Magenta at flickr.com.
I like the "realness" of this post. It reminds me of a song by Barlow Girl called Never Alone. It says, "I cry out with no reply and I can't feel you by my side. So I hold tight to what I know. You're here, and I'm never alone." I wonder why God chooses to do it that way sometimes, and other times lets us see Him? In any case, I'm glad He knows what's best for us.
This is an incredible post and one I can completely relate to!
Tami, what a wonderful post. Much said with a few, choice words. Thank you!
And thanks also for visiting my blog, Forensics and Faith, this morning. It was nice to see your name pop up in the comments.
Blessings on you this day.
Tami, what a wonderful post. Much said with a few, choice words. Thank you!
And thanks also for visiting my blog, Forensics and Faith, this morning. It was nice to see your name pop up in the comments.
Blessings on you this day.
Tami, what a wonderful post. Much said with a few, choice words. Thank you!
And thanks also for visiting my blog, Forensics and Faith, this morning. It was nice to see your name pop up in the comments.
Blessings on you this day.
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