~ Neil Anderson ~
He's good. He's really good. I don't even believe the lie and still fall prey to it.
Sunday morning, singing worship songs, my mind wandered to a recent hurt and it was all I could think about. I tried pushing it out. I shut my eyes and tried to focus on Him, but didn't do such a hot job. The tears were right at the surface. "God this still stings. What do You want me to do about it? What steps should I take?" All questions about ME in a time for adoration of HIM. Realizing my self-centeredness made me even more weepy.
This is not an isolated incident. I do it all the time. I think of myself first. When my immediate reaction to any news is how it will affect me or how I'd feel if it happened to me, have I been taken captive by Satan's lie? Is my selfishness an indication I want to be the god of my own life?
But this is only human, you may say. Yes, but only because Satan got Adam and Eve to believe they could know as much as God, be like God, maybe even BE God. Had they not fallen victim to Satan's lie, egocentricity wouldn't be the human condition.
WOW, do I need help with this. Lord, bring the burning coal for my mouth. What d'ya got for the rest of me?
Oh wait, you covered that, didn't You, with Your Son's blood. Thank You, Jesus. Never have I needed a gift more.

Go to Fruit in Season to see more ideas on this quote.
Well said. (And were you in my head during worship a couple of weeks ago? God and I had that same discussion). So glad His blood covers all. Blessings to you for sharing.
I loved this. And so true for all of us.
Amen, so very true.
Wonderful post. I got goosebumps reading the end. Thanks for participating today!
So true for myself as well.
Hi Tami-
I'm glad someone else does this in church! It's nice to know that we are not alone on this journey. I appreciate you pointing out that when this happens we are thinking of ourselves and not of God. I always counted it up to distractability. I will try to change my way of thinking about this so I don't get caught up in Satan's lie.
You definitely shared some truth with us. I have had this very same conversation with God myself. Thanks for sharing!
Isn't it amazing how Satan gets us to think of ourselves, by playing up to our basic selfishness? Thanks be to God that he is so patient with us.
Man, how do we get out of the ME ME ME mindset? It's an uphill battle some days. "Thanks be to God who gives us the victory in Christ Jesus."
Good post. You're right; we do tend to make it all about me. I struggle with this too. But it's comforting when I realize God even understands this weakness of mine and I can be open with him about this too.
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