My daughter and I saw Charlotte's Web last week. It was absolutely beautiful. Everything appeared as I imagined from the book--the sights, the sounds, the innocence of Fern. It was all so wholesome and charming. I was hooked from the start. The animals' speaking was so realistic, Wilbur simply adorable and Dakota Fanning completely endearing as Fern. Before ten minutes had expired, I found myself smiling and wishing for such simple times.
Of course I couldn't help but love the ending that incorporates the very last lines of the book. "It's not often that someone comes along who is a true friend and a good writer. Charlotte was both." What a great eulogy! I hope it could be said of me at my funeral.
But the line that really caught my attention is one I have been scouring to find in the book for days, without success. It happens in the last conversation between Wilbur and Charlotte. He is thanking her for all she has done for him and Charlotte says, "Wilbur, I only wrote what I observed in you. You are the miracle." That's what I want to do, I thought. That's what I want this blog to be about, showcasing the miracle of Christ and pointing others to Him just as Charlotte does for Wilbur. She takes no credit for the mysterious messages in her web. She only wants those who read her words to notice her friend. I can only be a true friend and a good writer, like the famous spider, if I concentrate on displaying my Dear Friend, Jesus.
So here's to 2007. May it be a year where my words bring attention to God and not myself. I pray we learn from each other and grow in our knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. AMEN!
"It's not often that someone comes along who is a true friend and a good writer..." Tami was both. :) I think you do a fabulous job of pointing to your friend Jesus Tami. Your blogs and your words always help me refocus and stop and think, "Am I pointing to Jesus?"
Amen to everything friend!
I concur!
Well said my friend. Isn't it amazining how hopeful we can feel at the beginning of a new year. Here's hoping we can be everything we set out to be this year. For me, it will be a year to love.
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