What is my responsibility?
C.S. Lewis said, "You have never met a mere mortal."
Every person you meet is immortal. Every human will live forever, somewhere.
I have been consumed lately with how mere belief in God doesn't cut it when it comes to experiencing Him as He desires. If our belief does not transform us, we are no better than Satan himself. Lately I feel a heaviness for people who've been blinded by him and realize they have no compass if they don't follow Christ. We have to help them navigate. We are the only defense for unbelievers against the devil's attacks, against his lies. But what can we do? How do we lead the blind?
Of course I know the best thing to do is pray and I have been, perhaps impatiently, but still doing it.
I know I have to care about others, not just be sympathetic, but CARE. Their pain should matter to me (This is a little scary. Carrying the burdens of others is HARD and can be very time consuming). I know I'm supposed to "share" and "witness" and "proclaim the Truth", but how can I do that when such exclusive evangelical lingo even turns ME off? How do I remain "authentic" (a word I see becoming new church lingo) as I relate to others? I know only the Holy Spirit draws people to God, but I also know I bear some responsibility.
We are surrounded by people who acknowledge God, but their belief does not translate into peace or good choices or sincere relationship with Him. Does that honor Him? Does it save them? Do they go to heaven? What am I supposed to do?
Help me out here. How have you reconciled this in your own life? How do you make the most of every encounter? How do you "be Jesus" to those around you?
Thanks to NIKON D2X PHOTOGRAPHER for his photo.
This is something I struggle with too. I think it happens when we quit worrying about "doing" and focus in "being" . . . in the presence of God, our authentic selves. Not to say we never seize opportunities but I think the seizing of those opportunities will come naturally when we're where God wants us to be. I dunno - I'm just thinking out loud here!
We know the Lord Jesus is a burden bearer. We know that He is the One who can lighten loads and remove them from shoulders. But did He remove every burden He encountered while walking this earth? Yet He did go about doing good everywhere He went.
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