~ C.S. Lewis ~
Mere Christianity
I walk in the door and see the muffins sitting on the counter and before I know what I'm doing, I'm popping one into my mouth.
One of my kids frustrates me and without thinking, I react in anger.
Engrossed in conversation, I utter the first thing that comes to mind without following the thought through in my head first.
I'm not a completely undisciplined person, but I swear I lose my head sometimes. Why don't I recognize I have a choice and exercise it before I do something stupid? Satan has distracted me. Instead of stopping to contemplate my next move, I do what comes naturally in my human self. It almost feels out of my control. How can I combat this?
One way. I don't pray to make good choices. He has already equipped me to to do this. I have to see the moment the choice presents itself. I pray God will help me recognize the moment of decision, the instant I realize I decide if I'll be in harmony with God or at war with Him.
Lord, give us eyes to see the moment of decision. Show us where we have a choice and give us the courage to make the right one.
Thanks to Christine at Fruit in Season for hosting this week.
Great Post...Thanks for sharing!
Oooh...I need to distinguish the moment of decision as well. Thanks for sharing.
Oh yes, I do all of those things too! I love what you said about instead of stopping to contemplate your next move, you do what comes naturally.
Well said, thank you.
"Show us where we have a choice..." What an excellent prayer! So many times there is that moment of decision, and I just fly right on into something when I could've made a different choice. Great post today!
You always seem to hit the nail on the head. It seems as though I enjoy fillet of soul. You shoe soul. I open my mouth and insert my foot, before engaging my brain. Than I think oh my gosh did I just sy that. When if in wisdom I had gone to God for the correct response, I could have saved some poor person from my undeserved wrath or comment. There are times I have considered how would you feel if it were you? But not as often as I should. Thank -you for causing me to pause and take account of what I may say if I don't pause and consult the ultimate authority. Great post!
We never face a choice (or temptation/test) without Him providing a way of escape. Great blog!
Bonnie W.
just wanted to pop in a say "hello"
Thanks for all the emails and prayers. You are the best!!
love ya,
I pray God will help me recognize the moment of decision, the instant I realize I decide if I'll be in harmony with God or at war with Him. I second that! Well said. :~)
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