Saturday, March 17, 2007

Another Inconvenient Truth

It's not enough to believe in God.

It will not make a difference in our world.

The pain surrounding us confirms it.

The Barna Group claims that 71% of the US population believes in God. Yet, get a load of these startling statistics from Barna:

Percentage of adults who view certain behavior as morally acceptable (2003)

61% of adults view gambling as a morally acceptable behavior.
Enjoying sexual thoughts or fantasies about someone 59%
Living with someone of the opposite sex without being married, sometimes called co-habitation 60%
Having an abortion 45%
Having a sexual relationship with someone of the opposite sex to whom you are not married 42%
Looking at pictures of nudity or explicit sexual behavior 38%
Using profanity (36%)
Getting drunk (35%)
Having a sexual relationship with someone of the same sex 30%
Using drugs not prescribed by a medical doctor 17%

Hmmm. . .doesn't the Bible call each of these activities SIN? What is not jiving here? Why doesn't our belief in God translate into righteous attitudes? All around us people are being blinded by Satan and believing his lies. They say yes to God, but no to His commands. And it doesn't work. We must do MORE than believe. We must seek Him wholeheartedly and know what He expects of us.

The Israelites wandered in the desert, waffling back and forth on their belief in God, switching their allegiance to the "god du jour". They were God's chosen people, but do not forget one important fact. THEY DID NOT ENTER THE PROMISED LAND. And neither will we if all we do is believe. We must do more than believe. We must LIVE like we believe. We must obey.

Why don't believing people want to follow God's laws? Something is missing.

I know the teen recognizes God because she has a desire to go to youth group. Though she is, at most, fourteen, she's already had more sexual partners than me. She seems very confident of herself and runs her life as she sees fit, yet I wonder how she feels when the lights go off at night. How long before her nightmare begins when she gets pregnant or taken advantage of? Why doesn't her belief in God help her make better choices?

He is a grown man, smart and hard-working, but always looking for something better. If only he made more money, had more clout, more power, more. . .anything, he could be happy. His nagging conscience tells him he should take his family to church, but he reasons it's too hard to sit through with his young children. Someday he'll get it together, but right now it's not that important. Meanwhile, he gets further from God, not realizing there is no standing still in God's economy. If he isn't walking towards Him, he's walking away. How long before he forgets the way back?

She was a good woman, a moral woman, who adored her family, yet at her funeral, Scripture doesn't comfort much. Hollowness hangs in the air. People act as if they are listening to a stock market report. The truth is spoken, but doesn't seem to pack much punch. Why? Why doesn't it register on the faces of those present? Why doesn't it sink in? The words seem empty because they are only words, not reality.

Life can be so much more. Life with God IS SO MUCH MORE. It can change you, improve you, give you more meaning, keep you from destroying yourself, yet we are surrounded by people going through the motions. Why doesn't their belief make a difference in their lives? Because it's not enough.

The Bible says "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved." Is it really that simple? Each person I described above would say they believe in Christ, yet it doesn't do anything for them. It doesn't motivate or inspire them in the least. Why?

Is our belief in God true if we don't follow His Word? Are you a painter if you don't paint? A hunter if you don't hunt? A teacher if you don't teach? Are you a "Christ"ian if you don't follow Christ, striving to be like Him? Does true belief exist without obeying God's Word? I ask you, how do we get this message across? How do we encourage others to want more? If we tell them believing is not enough, will that jar them into seeking God for real?

Photo courtesy of -RobW-.


Anonymous said...

This win's my Note of distinction! Great Post! I was just having this conversation with my children. Along with being careful to judge too harshly. This is real this is where we live. I believe in God but not all the rules apply to me. This is what confuses my kids and me!!

Susannah said...

A very timely post! Barna's stats are shocking. In another report, Barna talks about the fact that most "born-again" Americans have no understanding of the concept of holiness. And last night I started a book by Dallas Willard called Renovation of the Heart on this same topic--spiritual formation (or sanctification). Willard's evaluation of American Christianity is equally grim. (Willard, along with Richard Foster, are big proponents of the spiritual disciplines.) This is an important subject to talk up and teach on, so I'm glad you brought it up here. Hugs! e-Mom