Thursday, March 01, 2007

Evidence of Him

March came in howling in my little corner of the world with a whirling snowstorm. What does that make it? A lion? A lamb? Sounds more like one of my kids!

But I don't care. I love it. I LOVE it, I tell you. Snow always makes me feel God. How does a beautiful 55 degree day become a blizzard in a matter of hours? It has to be God. Only God clears His throat to start the thunder. He spins His finger and the wind begins. The swirling snow, a blanket of His goodness, is evidence of His glory alone (sound familiar, my Bible study mates?). Only God can force us to slow down our crazy pace with a storm. Snow is soft and quiet, yet powerful enough to stop a town in its tracks. It is His presence. It is God saying, "I am here. Take your time. Stop and look at My beauty."

Only yesterday I was stressing about some decisions to be made in my near future. It was one of those, "Okay, Tami, don't get ahead of yourself, take a breath" kind of afternoons. I prayed for His help and guidance and kept telling myself to take it a day at a time. So I find it no coincidence that the day after I appealed for God's wisdom, He sent snow. He is showing me evidence of His presence, bringing me confirmation it will be all right. I suppose I should apologize to those of you who live in my little corner of the world. Sorry if we've inconvenienced you with the snowstorm. God is just assuring me He is there for me. Could He be telling you the same thing?

Revel in His presence today, my friends! Know that He is near.

Photo from iowa_spirit_walker.


Rachelle said...

Yes, March howled into our corner of the world, too! Complete with 30-car pileup on the highway, no less.

But the snow has already stopped (at 9am) and true to Colorado's norm, the sky is blue and the sun is blindingly bright. I LOVE days like this. God is indeed near. (And the kids are, too -- two hour school delay due to snow!)

Thanks for the beautiful reminder.

Rachelle said...

Love it, love it, too! We all need God to slow us down once in a while. One way or another.

Kara Bird said...

Before you even wrote this I was thinking of you yesterday when it snowed. I remembered when you said snow was a reminder from God to slow down and take a minute with him. It really stuck with me. So yesterday when I was all excited about a snow day, even though my mind was bogged down with a million things to do, it was like, "This is still my invitation to be still and know that He is God. So I'm going to stop and sit down with him for a minute." It was a great day. Thanks for sharing this great
perspective. (And thanks for the storm.) ;) Luv ya!

Susannah said...

Beautiful, poignant thoughts. I really like your imagery of God in the snowstorm... :~)