Sunday, June 24, 2007

And we're off. . .

Hey y'all (there's that influence of you southern bloggers!).

Don't worry if you don't see much from here for a while. This site will be quiet for a week or so as our whole family heads out to California. We've never taken such a big trip before and are more than a little excited and a slight bit anxious. Pray for us. One of our kids is worried someone is going to get sick. I told him not to let Satan play mind tricks on him, yet if I were honest I'd have to admit I've had the same concern. When you do something this big you want everything to be perfect, you know? Our oldest came home from an outing at the lake with a cut on the bottom of his toe that was pretty sore this morning. And the rest of the kids are MORE than a little wired today. I'm hoping my tired, stressed nerves can handle it as we finish up packing and head out. So pray for all to feel great and my worries and stress to melt away.

I was soothed this morning as our worship leader read a passage from Exodus 33 where God tells Moses, "My presence will go with you and I will give you rest." Aaahhhh. . .don't you love it when God gets so personal and makes you feel church was designed especially for you? He is really somethin'!!

Also say a little prayer for our amazing free contractor (my wonderful father-in-law) as he installs a new floor for our kitchen and office while we're gone. God is so good to us!!

And now I leave you with this song, (I hope you remember it),

"I dream Jamaica in the moonlight,
sandy beaches making love every night. . ."

Okay, okay, California is not actually Jamaica (but probably as close as I'll get) and come to think of it, I'm not sure those are even the right words to that song. Where is my head today?

I'm ready to blow this joint, people.

Catch ya on the flip side!

Photo Credit: cobalt123


Susannah said...

Ah, California. One of my favorite places to vacation. Have fun, and I hope it all goes smoothly. :~)

Meanwhile, when you get back, I've tagged you for the Restaurant Meme. When you have some time, come by and take a look. Hugs!

Rachelle said...

Ok Tami,

I hate to tell you this, but.....the words to the song are "I think Jamaican in the moonlight, Sandy beaches drinkin' rum every night." But I guess if you wanna make love every night....YOU GO GIRL!!!

Terri said...

Enjoy your vacation! We leave for a week long trip to Colorado Friday night! tonight if you want to be technical about it. Have a great time!