"How is your spiritual life?"
It was an innocuous question. She was only trying to catch up and spark a lively conversation, which is common for us, yet something in me felt uncomfortable. I didn't have anything to say (GASP!).
"Oh. . .it's fine. . . I have missed Bible study. I tend to study deeper while doing our lessons, but it's okay. I've enjoyed the extra time I've had." (The stupid answer didn't push away the uneasiness I felt.)
The truth is, I'd been feeling like my time with God was a little ho-hum lately, not bad, but not exciting either. I hadn't felt the same peace or joy of late, probably due to my change of schedule with summer, but her question smacked me in the face with it.
"How is your spiritual life?"
It lingered in my mind for a few days. I took my hesitation in answering and lack of anything good to say as confirmation I had been slacking off. It was a great reality check, motivating me to get up a little earlier this week to soak in God's presence. And, boy, have I needed and enjoyed it. I've got my "aahhhh" back.
Thank you, my friend. You know who you are. I thank God you are always so eager to share your experiences with our Lord and engage others in the discussion. I'm not sure if you sensed my spirit was blah or knew how your question affected me, but know you put me back on track. I feel blessed to have a friend who is consistently growing and willing to ask the tough questions to be sure the rest of us are too. I love you!
And for the rest of you, may I be so bold to ask,
How is your spiritual life? (You knew I HAD to do that, right?!)
Be sure to check out other Thankful Thursday participants at Sting My Heart.
Praise God for friends willing to ask the tough questions to push us in the right direction!
Isn't it amazing how a simple question or comment can be used by God to get us back to where we need to be! Glad you got your "aahhhh" back! ;o)
Wonderful post and wonderful friend you have. Thanks for sharing and great question. May the Lord bless you this week and always.
In his endless love,
Angel ():)
Awesome post, bless you sweety.
Glad you are getting your ahhh back!
I have a friend who once started all of our meetings with "how's your quiet time?" It was the greatest accountability I could have at the time. Sometimes I miss that candidness.
As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. Psalm 42:1. My soul has been panting for Him. Maybe I need to give it a cool drink of His word. Thanks for asking the question.
That's a GREAT question! We all need to take note of our spiritual life daily. I want to stay hot for Jesus at all times. Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your day.
I wish someone had had the guts to ask me this question recently.
don't you just love friends like that???
thanks for sharing this...
Friends with courage are a blessing! I'm so glad you posted about this, it's something I've been thinking about as well.
What a great and thought-provoking post. I am so thankful that God always welcomes us back with open arms. So happy that you have such a sweet friend in Christ. Blessings!
Just love it, Tami. Yeah, sometimes we need a little 'kick in the pants' to get us back on track. I know I need them! That is why enjoyed the time away from my blog so much - I think :)
Thank you so much for sharing your grateful hear with us this week.
Be blessed today and always.
PS: I think I am back on track with my spiritual life :)
The best of friends are the ones that you can give an honest answer to this question and they will continue to love you. You are that friend. My spiritual life is a little lacking. I have been selfish, lazy, frustrated and frazzled...God is gracious through it all.
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