Friday, June 15, 2007

A Completely Dumb Thought

Women like my husband. Not in the Brad Pitt or Billy Graham or even Yanni sort of way (ooh, I could be in trouble for that one), but more along the lines of Wayne Brady. My Kevin is a musician and funny and creative and sensitive and loves to talk. I have women telling me how hysterical he was at rehearsal and see with my own eyes his loyal female fan base in choir. Last week a woman he worked with nearly two years ago called him on his cell phone to chat about shakeups in his old workplace. And the other day at lunch, the proprietor of the restaurant, the woman who rarely even says hello when I am there without him, nearly followed him out the door. Even in high school and college, most of his friends were women. Am I jealous? No, not really, I mean I understand the appeal. I MARRIED the guy after all. (One of the best indicators to date that I ain't no dummy!) But can I let you in on a secret?

Occasionally I'll feel a little twinge of jealousy, not that he will fall for another woman, but that I can't have the same effect with men. How's that for absolutely unspiritual, superficial junk for ya?!

Have a terrific weekend, my friends!


eph2810 said...

Well, I totally understand what you mean :) - And I think just a little jealousy is okay ...

Blessing on your weekend and always.

Rachelle said...

Well, this says a lot about you! Hmmmmmm, I will have to get you on my couch, so we can analyze this new info about you!

Kara Bird said...

unspiritual... superficial... perhaps... but honest. Thanks for letting me know I'm not the only one. I'm right there with you in that daily struggle in my own ways!

Anonymous said...

You can always bring a smile to my face. I know exactly how you feel because there I times I feel exactly the same way. Thanks for being a long lasting friend. Much love.

Susannah said...

Really a surprising twist... I'm guessing your husband picked YOU because you're so, well, shall we say... "composed?" You're probably opposites in temperment... maybe? I guess I'll let Rachel do the anaylzing. This is a brand new perspective on you and your husband! :~)