It was purple. It had to be purple. My own room. My own space. Purple made it mine.
Divine providence placed me that room in the basement just as I neared adolescence. It was no coincidence, either, that the move preceded hearing His voice. He designed this special place just for me.
When I felt like I didn't fit in, like something was wrong with me, I retreated to my purple room. It was always quiet down there, always welcoming, producing in me the feeling I could be exactly who I was without comparison to anybody. It didn't matter what I looked like or if I had a date to the dance or how many games I sat on the bench. My purple room was safe because God met me there. It was there I pleaded for God to make me something special. It was there I scoured my Bible, finding all kinds of promises to hook myself to. There is where I wrote in my journal about my feelings of inadequacy and yearnings for true love that overlooked my flaws. It was there God whispered in my ear, "I see you. I love you. I have plans for you. Follow Me."
~ Henri Nouwen ~
My purple room was God's gift to me, my own private sanctuary to get acquainted with Jesus and let Him shower me with His love and attention.
To this day I love the color purple. In the next room is a purple chaise lounge--a perfectly impractical gift from my perfectly in tune husband. (It's been three years and I still love looking at that thing!) The very room I'm sitting in has a purple centerpiece, purple curtains, purple flowers in a swag on the wall, a purple vase holding my beloved pussy willows and purple hydrangeas surrounding me in a wallpaper border. I laugh as I realize it is in this room I do the same things I did in my bedroom as a teenager. Here is where I meet God now. Here is where His Spirit breathes new life into my weary soul. Here is where I study His word and gain strength for a new day. Here is where I soak in His "aahhh" and have a hard time leaving to begin the tasks at hand.
In the Bible purple is the color of royalty. Does that mean I'm a queen? I'm just saying. . .
I pray you all find solitude and God's spirit in your alone times, my friends. Sit back and soak Him in. Let yourself be lonely enough to experience His touch.
Stop by Christine's at Fruit in Season to read more.
Bless you dear one, enjoyed your post.
Your sanctuary sounds wonderful! I love your last sentence--be lonely enough to experience His love. Beautifully said. Bless you for sharing.
[Does that mean I'm a queen?] Yesm the daughter of the King of kings. Thanks for sharing your thoughts today ~
Now that's beautiful. Enjoy your room set apart for royalty!
I love the splashes of purple - lovely!
Purple reminds me of royalty - we are the King's children - His princesses. Purple is a good color for us!
Thanks for sharing!
You know, I have always found God in nature. When the warmth of the sun touches my skin - I know He is there waiting for me to talk to Him. Or, when I see a butterfly flutter off - its like He's saying follow me. Or, in the sunsets (I just wrote about this one in my blog), they remind me of the uniqueness and beauty that God puts into all of His creation. As a child I used to go for walks in my pasture because it was where I always felt He was. Nowhere else was it as quiet as there, and nowhere else did I feel I could see Him so clearly. His love and His beauty was in everything that surrounded me. Thanks for reminding me of this and for making me look forward to my lonliness. I know what I am doing tomorrow!! :) Denise R.
"Let yourself be lonely enough to experience His touch." What a profound statement! What a different way to look at loneliness. It makes it a much more desirable thing. :) Thanks for your wisdom friend!
P.S. Yeah... I think maybe that does make you a queen. :)
We must be from a similar era... I loved purple as an adolescent too. Although I didn't have a room in the basement, I coveted one, and I even asked my father if I could take over his workshop. (I never considered where he'd move all his tools!) You were blessed to know Jesus at such an early age... and yes, as a child of the King, that makes you are royalty! Wear purple proudly!
I wish I had had that comfort as a teen. Having come to Christ at a later age I appreciate so much the upbringing my children have now. Your room, the purple, our Lord...what a wonderful combination!
you're a queen alright!! :))
i'm emailing this post to my girlfriend who is also a lover of all things purple...
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