Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Hey y'all.





Have you ever had God ask you to do something and you weren't sure you could do it, but you accept the challenge anyway, knowing He will give you what you need? And the going gets a little tough and you get a little frustrated, but you press on understanding that opposition is a good thing because it may indicate Satan's not so happy about you doing this job. So you do what you can and wait for God's leading. . . and wait. . . and wait. . . and it gets down to crunch time when it really needs to be done but you're still in waiting mode.

I've got a job to do and I'm waiting for the all important next step from God. I've been working on it and praying and thinking really hard and still missing something that's got to come from Him. It has to come soon because this job has a time limit. All last week the unexpected came, sucking up my time, but I knew each thing was necessary and important so I stayed calm knowing He would supply. Each day I pray confidently, asking God to give me the big idea to get the ball rolling, expecting Him to show me what's next and every night I mull it over, tossing and turning, anxious to get the "aha" moment that never seems to come.

I know You can do it, God. I know You will give me what I need, but could Ya bring it soon?

I've been telling myself all morning, "He who calls you is faithful and he will do it." (1 Thessalonians 5:24)

But now I wonder if it's time to humble myself and ask for your help. I don't think God ever called us to be lone rangers. We need each other and this morning I realize no matter how capable I want to be on my own, I need you. Will you pray for me? Will you pray for God to clear my tired, fuzzy head and fill it with true inspiration? Will you ask Him to give me discipline and discernment and perseverance? Will you pray as I do, that God will give me the ability to do all that AND be the wife and mother I need to be, maintaining outside relationships as well which are vitally important?

My husband told me as he left today to take a deep breath. He's right, I know. It will be okay. What I need will come. This waiting business just jiggles my nerves.


Miriam Pauline said...

I am praying! Don't forget to breathe often!

Susannah said...

Take it easy Tami. All things are possible with God. :~)

Anonymous said...

Tami, My encouragement for you.
Ephesians 3:20 (The Message)
God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.

The anwer will come and it will be incredible! Love you, Linda