Monday, October 15, 2007

Growing Up is Hard to Do

As a teenager, she spent a lot of time praying for God's intervention in her life, hoping against all odds He would do what seemed to her impossible. Each morning she awoke excited, filled with anticipation of seeing what God might do that day. She saw her greatest desires fulfilled and was confident in God's love, but something unexpected happened.

She grew up.

Now a woman, she asks herself what happened to her wonder of God. She longs for the feeling of total dependence she once had. What is it about adulthood that clouds her vision and makes her cynical? Why is God constantly reminding her to trust Him? Shouldn't it be second nature? What is it about becoming an adult that steals the magic, the confidence, the hope?

She recalls prayers answered in difficult ways. She knows the passing years have brought added responsibilities. Her mind is flooded with unresolved situations, heart ache, and the tough realities of life. There has never been any question God loves or has the power to do anything, but a haunting will He? She does not doubt, but experience has taught her not to count on it either. You can't be disappointed if you don't expect it.

Too much trying to figure it all out, too much wanting to know why. Not enough. . .there it is again. . .not enough trust, not enough resting in His plan.

Can she regain the child-like faith that believed wholeheartedly in God's love and power? Only one way. She appeals to her Loving God.

Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me.

And then she chooses what is right. . .regardless of her feelings. She CHOOSES to believe. She CHOOSES to trust. She CHOOSES to press on, even if only for this day.

Forgive us, Lord, for our short-sightedness, for our impatience. Make us like children again, without worry of the future, fully trusting You. Hold our hands. Guide us with Your counsel and take us into glory.


Brenda said...

I decided some time back that this is what faith is. When we keep going and do what is right regardless of our emotions and feelings. When we trust even though we don't "feel" it. We have a great God and he is please when we show faith regardless of our feelings. I'm sure Job had some feelings that were pretty low and look at the faith her had.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...thought you were writing about me for a minute there!

I think we all go through this sort of thing from time to time. I think recognizing it is a sign of spiritual health. Thanks for posting (even if I did think you got in my brain for a moment!!).

lori said...

Absolutely beautiful...
Sara Groves sings a song where she says..."I don't doubt your sovereignty, I doubt my own abilities.." Needing to let go and "regain the child like faith that believed wholeheartedly..."

wow...I loved it!!