I have often struggled with the concept of God's love. I KNOW He loves me, but sometimes I want to FEEL it. I KNOW He speaks through His Word, yet I want to HEAR His voice. I KNOW He is with me, but I want to SEE Him.
And I've wondered how He can meet our needs when we can't feel Him or hear Him or see Him. He can't physically give us a hug when we're sad or watch the kids for a while when our patience has worn too thin. He can't sing us to sleep when anxiety keeps us awake. I don't feel Him holding my hand when fear sets in.
Now before you get yourself in a tither, let me assure you, I know. I know. God does all this and more. . .
. . .through other people.
So today I am thankful for the people God has used to love me, those He has used as vessels of Him. When I think of His best representations, two individuals stand out immediately--my mother and my husband.
To spare you from gagging, I'll just say my husband is a good guy, a really good guy, who loves me more than I understand. I have learned what unconditional love is all about through him.
My mom has shown me the sacrificial love of God, the part that puts His children first. She has consistently given me a glimpse of His vision for what I could be. God's love through her has supported me, yet nudged me when I needed it the most.
These two have loved me completely, faithfully, unselfishly, the longest and the best. They have always seen more in me than the world does and definitely more than I see in myself. They have given without ever expecting anything in return. They have comforted and challenged, encouraged and enraged, loved and listened.
They make my life easier by being in it. Truly they have made me who I am today.
God, thank You for the great love you show me through my mother and my husband. Thank You for tangible proof of Your love. Teach me to be that for others.

For more Thankful Thursday posts visit Sting My Heart.
You are truly blessed with a wonderful husband and mother. Happy Valentine's Day!
Sometimes when anxiety is keeping me awake, I ask God to calm my heart and quiet my mind, fill me with his peace that surpases understanding. Then I feel this wonderful peace wash over me and I am amazed again by Him.
At times when I've been hurting and didn't know what to pray and couldn't, I just cried out to Him, He knew what I needed and He gave it to me.
Thank you for sharing,
Mama Bear
I don't know you mom but if she raised you she must be pretty awesome. I do have to say Kevin is a pretty great guy. Don't tell him I said so. Ah. Go ahead.
God loves you very much, happy valentines day.
"They make my life easier by being in it." I like that line.
Thank God for Moms and good husbands. What a blessing that you have both. :~D
"those He has used as vessels to Him". I like that. You are so blessed! I am thankful you are one of those vessels in my life. Denise R.
That a beautiful post for TT!
Lovely post! I spent time on Valentines Day singing love songs to my Lord. Though I journal to Him daily and make it a point to praise Him for His goodness, we should all live as if every day is valentine, don't you think?
In His Graces~Pamela
Tami - this post is just so beautiful and I loved how you put into words that I never could have. It is true - God is there in all the people He places around us. Sometimes I tell my hubby that I don't understand how he can love someone like me...but he does :)
Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heart this past week with us.
Blessings to you and yours..
I am not sure if I mentioned it last week, but I love the redesign of your blog - the header is just awesome!!!!
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