Always a barrage of questions and decisions and commotion and stress.
Endless tasks and lists and responsibilities. Racking up the miles on vehicles. Plenty of overtime.
All this and the only title I get is "MOM".
But the payoff. . .(say it together with me now) priceless.
Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from him.
Psalms 127:3

Read more Thankful Thursday posts at Sting My Heart.
Good Morning Tami,
Hmmm, I sure like that job description, and I think I could add more to it!
So I will repeat after you; PRICELESS!!
Blessings to you my friend♥
Yep, it's my job, too. I wouldn't trade it for any job, no matter what the pay, in the world!!
Thanks for the reminder this morning. It is an all encompassing title, isn't it! Love you!
Amen, MOM!!! :~D
Awesome job, bless you.
Not only from an earthly perspective, are there so many blessings and intangible rewards that accompany being a "just a mom," but the eternal, spiritual santify opportunties that can be ours as we embrace this high calling! If our Savior willingly "did nothing from selfish ambition or vain conceit...who being in the very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made HIMSELF nothing," truly, what a priceless privilege it is for me to be willing to do the same and look with joy at the title of "just a mom." We are so blessed, aren't we!!! Thanks, friend!
That says it all, Tami! Beautiful.
God bless.
You made me smile...I could see a complete commercial!
AND---last night--during that Bible Study---I could have used a cyberspace hug---thank you for blessing my life with your encouraging words---you always do!
And when he comes back from college to visit and becomes more and more your friend you will know it was all so worthwhile. The best is yet to come! Don't get me wrong. Little ones are precious. But having them grow up to be wonderful adults who enjoy your company, that is something else.
Children are from God and I, too, am blessed to be mother to mine.
After finally finding the time to "catch up" with you through your posts, I find myself laughing and crying at the same time. You have such a special way of tugging on many of my emotions. You are a wonderful mom with a beautiful spirit - and we are all blessed to know you. Your honesty is so refreshing - I love the verses you find that encompass what you are sharing. It's like receiving a neatly wrapped little gift each time you share. Thanks. Denise R.
Priceless. It's the best (and hardest) thing I've ever done.
Awesome Tami, Amesome!!!!!!
Hi again, Tami. Off topic, but when you get a chance, I'd appreciate your feedback to a little more discussion about singing angels.
I totally agree with you Tami. Being a mom is priceless - even after almost 23 years it tickles me that our son still needs me once in a while :)
Thank you for sharing your grateful heart this past week.
Blessings to you and yours...
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