Even her little brother got the reference.
For the record, her real name is Kelsi. And yes, she can be a tough cookie on the outside, but her inside is more like a marshmallow. Case in point:
"Hmm," I said, "I got up extra early to help someone with geometry and she didn't get out of bed until an hour after she said she would." I flashed a look her way.
"Yeah, I just couldn't get up."
"Didn't sleep much the night before, did you?"
"I only slept from 2:30 until 5:30."
"You were awake until 2:30?"
"Yeah, I just couldn't sleep."
"I don't know,". . . (grand pause). . . "Couldn't be all the pop and chips and junk in the office for Keygan's graduation party." She waved her hands in the air, shook her head and snuck in an eye roll.
"That bothers you?"
"Yeah," said with her best you-must-be-an-idiot tone.
"Honey, he'll still be living here after graduation. He'll be here all summer."
"I know."
It was not much comfort. She's gotten really tight with her older brother this year they've shared in high school. A few months ago she told me, "It's gonna suck when he graduates," and I was pleasantly surprised, but I was shocked when she confessed, "He's like my best friend, Mom."
Awww! She truly loves her brother. Attila, don't-touch-me, queen of attitude, has a soft spot.
I see right through you, babe. You're as tenderhearted and sentimental as anybody. Inside your tough exterior is a loving and devoted young woman.
Of course her response to all that would be, "Yeah, right, whatever, pssht."

For more Thankful Thursday posts, visit Sting My Heart.

I enjoyed this post sweetie.
Aww. It is hard on brothers and sisters to have one leave for college. They miss the one they look up too, the one who has the car and help them escape, the one who knows so much about life.
Aw, this is so sweet. My sister and I always wished we had a big brother!
This was so cute. :)
Just remind her that the option of following big brother to the same college is always a good one. Built in protection! Congrats on Keygan's graduation. Best to the parents and the siblings.
I just love how you brings words alive in living color - I saw every facial expression and heard every voice inflection. I love your new home - your becoming one of those professional bloggers lol
Blessings to you and your Attila-the-hun!! :)
I know how she feels. I remember the day my older brother graduated. We were only a year apart and despite all the fights over the years, he too had become my best friend. My heart ached, and he hadn't even left yet. Then, 10 years after that he moved all the way to NY. Those same feelings came back again. Bonds like that last a lifetime. What a wonderful blessing God has given them in this life!
Tami - I am so glad you are doing better. Sorry to hear of your sudden surgery, but I am thankful everything has turned out well. Blessings to you and your beautiful family. Denise R.
Aaahhhh. She's a girl after my own heart.
Don't you just love it when the play the 'tough guy/gal' and really are so tender-hearted that is almost breaks your heart...
I think it is so sweet though that she admits it - in a way.
Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heart and the tender moment with us.
Blessings to you and your wonderful family.
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