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Five things that could have ruined our wedding.
1. The pastor I grew up with was too ill to do the ceremony. Our second choice, a pastor who had also been one of our professors in college, was unavailable. We ended up with a guy named Reverend Bump. Our initial meeting confirmed his name suited him.
2. It rained HARD all day and my cousin called to say we wouldn't be able to use his Model A because it didn't have windshield wipers.
3. The zipper in my dress split open when my mom zipped me into it. Being the smart cookie she is, she tried again, nonchalantly suggested we put a few pins in for good measure and didn't tell me about it until the next day.

4. We wanted to take communion as our first act as a married couple. Due to my miscommunication, we discovered a few minutes before the ceremony we had no bread. We scrounged the church kitchen and found some croutons. We later wished we would've checked the expiration date when we spent half the wedding digging them out of our teeth.
5. We decided to do traditional vows AS WELL AS our own statements to one another. Did you ever have to give a really important speech in front of 400 people when your insides were already mush?

Five things that DIDN'T ruin our wedding.
1. Reverend Bump turned out to be a pretty decent guy. He apparently listened intently to our personal statements and used them later in his message to make things more personal for these kids he'd only met once. Most importantly, the marriage is still legal!
2. It quit raining toward late afternoon and the sun came out. The rain served to cool off what could have been a hot August day. We had a beautiful evening and the time of our lives cruising to the reception in the rumble seat of the Model A.

3. The dress held secure with no mishaps until we didn't want it to anymore. Enough said.

4. We still laugh about the croutons. Chewy! Ew!
5. When I finally got down the aisle and saw how excited my man was to being marrying me, I didn't think too much about other people. He held my hands tight as I told him what was in my heart and it felt like we were on campus after one of our romantic walks, planted in front of the Jesus window, dreaming about our future together. I could hardly stand still as we recited our vows knowing our future as husband and wife was finally beginning.

Fast forward nearly 22 years and we're still together. Still. God is GOOD!
Are you a sucker for romance? Read more wedding stories at Chrysalis.

I swear we live parallel lives. (You'll understand later when I post my wedding story, still writing it). I loved reading your lists! Blessings to you and hubby.
This was GREAT! I love the way you did this, how creative.
Your mom was a very wise woman, I love her for keeping that secret.
Sounds like the day turned out just perfect, and the rest of the story...hmmm, God knew what He was doing 22 years ago.
Thanks so much for sharing these precious memories with us♥
Beautiful!! Thanks for sharing your memories with us. Love the photos!!! Denise R.
I mentioned on another post that I see a common thread of at least 20 years marriage showing up on almost all of these so far! Thanks for sharing your story. I loved the croutons part. Our youngest used to call them "coupons".
That was a great post! How creatively written! Thanks for sharing! (I especially LOVED the last picture....very well taken if I don't say so myself! Ha!)
Tami, I giggled all the way through this. Outstanding!
You two... I can tell your man was just wildly crazy about you--and still is. He seems like quite a dude.
As MOB, your Mom was so practical and on top of things. Yay, Mom for thinking of the pins, and not breathing a word.
Thanks for joining us for Marriage Monday today.
That was great!! I love how you put it into what could have gone wrong and how it all worked for good. It's just what God does with our lives!
Great story. Thanks for sharing your memories,
I love how you put this together, using the same potential mishaps for your things that worked out!
Congrats on nearly 22 years!
Look at you Princess Bride - just beautiful - thanks for sharing your day - it was so much fun to read - especially the zipper - what a great Mum you have! lol
I love your photos too and I promise I will try to get some of mine up too.
Congrats on making it all these years later!!!
Love the pictures!!
What a great story. You make a lovely couple. What happy faces. God Bless~
Beautiful bride and wedding. I love the model t ride! How fun was that?
Thanks for sharing your beautiful day with us.
Love the wedding stories and the photos. You were and still are such a cute couple.
Tami, God IS good and this was a great story. It surely showed God's grace and mercy. What looked like it was going to be bad had turned out to be years of good. God continue to bless you!!
I so loved your wedding story! It made me smile! I love when people was just so thrilled at God bringing them together! Marriage is such a wonderful adventure isn't it!
Tami-that was beautiful!! Thanks for sharing. I pray you have continued blessings in your marriage!!
In His Graces~Pamela
I absolutely loved this story!
You wrote it so well...loved how the negatives were turned into positives!
I had a similar feeling seeing my groom up there waiting for me...come read it if you can.
Thank you for sharing your special day- you and your husband make a beautiful couple!
Congratulations on 22 years together!
Tami you're so beautiful! :) This is such a fun post. I love that you say at the beginning of the post, things that COULD have ruined your wedding... but you didn't let them. You two are such an inspiration to me. Thanks for sharing. :)
This was so precious. But I can't believe it was that long ago - you haven't changed a bit!
Beautiful wedding story. Way to roll with the punches. Visit my site to read about out wedding during a Colorado spring blizzard.
This is one of my all-time favorite posts from one of my all-time favorite bloggers. Classic!
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