A sight to behold.
Though I'd heard them before and knew what was coming, from the moment they opened their mouths, I felt the Holy Spirit move. These weren't kids just putting on a show. Their expressions were genuine. They were not performing, they were praising and celebrating in their own hearts, personally, yet together. In one accord.
When they sang "I Have Decided to Follow Jesus", holding hands, heads held high, single-minded in purpose, resembling an army ready for battle, I had to blink away the tears. They are ordinary kids (I know 'cause I live with one of 'em), yet breathtaking in their sincere resolve. Clearly God has captured their hearts. What hope. What promise. What an example.
I heard my son raving about the experience to someone saying, "It's been awesome. You meet these people and it's like, hey, I love Jesus, you love Jesus, we're cool and we're tight. It's awesome."
And it showed. God at work. There was no mistaking His presence as these kids sang with one voice. I choked back tears all night recognizing a very good God in our midst. It was something very special.
It made me wonder, why can't we reproduce the same oneness, the same allegiance in our communities among people who love God? What happens in adulthood that makes us mistrust each other, judge each other? Occasionally we experience such unity in a church family, but rarely are we able to cross church borders and maintain it. Is it possible to capture oneness and enthusiasm in "the real world"?
If only we could, think of how Jesus would be exalted. No one could miss Him. And our world would be changed. We could be God's glory displayed. Imagine being a part of that! Wow.
Fifty ordinary teenagers showed me it's not impossible. They unveiled true beauty and made me yearn to recreate it.
Lord Jesus, show us how.

Oh man. I knew it. I had class so couldn't come. I'm glad you were blessed but so sad I missed it.
I SO agree! I was just visiting with a friend about how sad Jesus must be about the division among us. The concert was fabulous for SO many reasons!!
We have so much to learn from the our children...
I'm so blessed they truly came to Him that night and you all got to embrace this wonderful witness.
Thanks for sharing this special glimpse into Kingdom living.
Blessings to you my sweet friend♥
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