Well, we did it.
We moved the lad into his dorm room, said our goodbyes, drove the two and a half hours home and are still alive and kicking to tell about it.
My heart doesn't feel as heavy as I thought it would today (perhaps it's because my eyelids are instead) and I am truly thankful for God's provisions and the many assurances of His care. I won't bore you with the gory details. Suffice it to say...
God is good.
Very good.
Thank you, friends, for your prayers for this mama hen whose first chick has flown the coop. You have helped tremendously.
And to my dear son--I am so stinkin' proud of you. I know you'll do great. I'm trusting your words--"It'll be FINE, Mom." I believe in you. I see God all over you. I love you. Go get 'em!
(Okay, NOW the tears....)
It'll be fine.

It will be fine, a mother's tears will always come. My kids know that when I am too choked up to speak and the tears are flowing that is because my heart is full of love, care, concern, etc. etc. for them. A week ago, I did the same with my 20 year old only going an hour away. My kids have learned that is how Mom shows them what is really in my heart.
You've done a great job and he will continue to grow in all aspects of his life.
My boys know that I am just a sap, but that I also love them dearly and am very proud of them in everything they do and don't do in some cases.
I know that God is looking down on you and Kevin and saying "Thank you for taking care on my son so well, Well done!!"
PS: How is Kelsey?
I'm glad it went well. I'm sure there will be hard moments but mostly proud and sentimental moments!
Wow - this is big, huh? I am thankful for modern technology that will allow you guys to stay SO connected all the time. He really WILL be fine - and so will you!!
You have done an AWESOME job raising him, he is a great kid!! Now stand back, and watch God do the rest!!! Love you lots!!
Wow... off to college! What a proud moment, but I know also one of tears for Mom. Praying for you all as you adjust to a "new normal" with him off at college.
What a wonderful accomplishment. I'm sure he'll make you as proud as ever!
Yeah!!!! You did it, a major milestone Mom!!
You son is just precious.
Praying you are still doing well?
Blessings to you my sweet friend♥
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