Type a few sentences. Save. Type a few sentences. Save.
It's my habit. I've learned it the hard way. I always type a few sentences, then save.
And this morning, while I was working on a project whose deadline is closing in too fast, I went through my normal routine. Type a few sentences. Save. Type a few sentences. Save. At the conclusion of the morning, I saved the document one more time, took a break for lunch, came back to the computer, saved it again for good measure, e-mailed it to my "editor" (my husband), then closed the file. But right before the file whisked away, I noticed the time saved didn't match the current time. Uh oh.
You guessed it. Somehow, don't ask me how, please say it isn't so, my morning's work was lost. I searched every file on my computer and turned up nothing but an alias of a previous copy, one minus a few PAGES.
I was so upset I couldn't concentrate. I tried remembering and came up with bits and pieces all out of order. My spirit was defeated and weary. I pushed myself to reconstruct for about an hour and then couldn't take any more. I was so frustrated. And angry.
And a little mad at God. (Doesn't He have the power to control these things?)
But then a verse kept running around in my head--To the faithful you show yourself faithful...Though my time alone at home expired I forced myself to the computer amid the rat race of the day. I did a few errands, picked the kids up from school and sat at the computer, started dinner and sat at the computer, took my son to an appointment, then sat at the computer, ate, cleaned up, did a little laundry and sat at the computer.
And though I know what I have isn't exactly what I had before, I think it works. I have something to show for the day. It hasn't been wasted. My eyes are tired. My head hurts and I'm ready for the day to be over, but my spirit is at peace and I know this worn out lady will sleep very well tonight. God showed Himself faithful and I am thankful.
He who calls you is faithful and he will do it.
1 Thessalonians 5:24
For more Thankful Thursday posts visit Iris at Sting My Heart.

Bless you dear one.
oh that happened to me too. i can very well understand how you might have felt. but the verse you quoted in 1 thessalonians 5:24 spoke to my heart. thank you, sweetie, for sharing this. it's a confirmation to my prayer! God bless you, tami.
I too wonder so many times "God, why?" It would be so easy for Him to fix, and a great reminder to us that He is watching, and in control. I guess there is more we need to learn. Maybe we wouldn't learn to trust, if He just "fixed" everything. Love Ya!
I hate when that happens, but am thankful God is so faithful to us! Your post was encouraging!
Oh, dear, I can so feel your pain on this one. Been there myself more than I care to remember.
Praising God with you for His faithfulness!
Happy Thankful Thursday!
I am ALL ABOUT this verse this week. THANK YOU!
I type and save too!
I've always wished that God would give us do overs for our life. Then I realized that without the mistakes that we have made we would have never learned to grow. I guess God knows what He is doing after all =0). Good thing because I don't and He does. I'm glad He is in control and not me.
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