Thursday, August 07, 2008

Trusting With Hope

There's been a cloud looming over our house all summer.

Our oldest is moving to college. In one week.

Don't ask. Just glance at the time of this post and you'll know how Mom is doing with it.

And yet while I've been stressing, God's been working. He's slowly turning my son into a man.

While I worried about his job situation, God showed him how to conserve the money he has, a skill that will serve him well.

When I wondered whether it was prudent for him to spend so much of July traveling with a Christian singing outreach group and going on a mission trip, God strengthened him spiritually and showed me I would be fine without him around all the time.

He's given him enough conflict to understand the journey may not be easy, yet showed him good friends can make it better.

When I questioned him spending so much time alone in his room, God was helping him detach.

He put in his gut an urge to handle some things himself. (Already I'm getting the, "Mom, I'm fine" speech.)

When he got lost, God showed him how to make do without my help.

Even in the conflicts he's faced this summer, I see God has truly captured his heart.

How can I have room for anything but overwhelming gratitude?

The LORD is righteous in all his ways and loving toward all he has made. The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.
Psalm 145:17-18

Lord, thank You for hearing my prayers concerning my son. I trust You, Lord. You give me hope for his future and security in your plan which far surpasses mine. Make him into Your vision of who he should be. Be near us all in this adjustment. We love You. Give us Your rest and peace.

Visit Iris for more Thankful Thursday posts.


Nancie said...

I am praying for your dear son and for you too. Thank God for the wonderful ways He is working in your son's heart and life. May God keep your son near to Him and bless him in the days ahead with many blessings and guidance. May God be very near to you to strengthen you and give you peace as you trust in Him. Take care and God bless!

Denise said...

May God sweetly bless you, and your son.

Miriam Pauline said...

How bittersweet for you to see God providing yet knowing that the relationship is changing. Praying for him as he leaves for college. Praying for you as you let go. Bless you for sharing the journey with us.

Brenda said...


Susan said...

Oh Tami,

My heart truly goes out to you!! Although I have 3 out of the home, ( one roaming around Asia now), I'm already having a hard time just thinking about my baby being a senior this year.

You would "think",it would get "easier", but this is my last, and I'm really having to TRUST God for this one!

I'm not one that is great with change.

I'll keep you, and your son in prayer this week.

He sounds like a very mature young man who loves the Lord. His roots are deep.

God will give you the grace you need for each day ahead. Watch and see...

Blessings to you my sweet friendā™„

Kristi said...

I'm so dreading this day too. I still have 3 years before my oldest is ready to spread her wings. I still keep asking Jesus to come back before that day happens. I'm praying for you this week.

Addicted to Beadz said...

Isn't it great to see God at work!

Thanks for sharing your thankful heart today!


Denise said...

Oh Tami...I feel your pain. I still have two years left, but already I lay awake and wonder if I have taught her everything I should have to prepare her for that day. I feel like I have to hurry and do more because time is slipping away. I admire your perspective and thankfulness. I need to follow your lead so I can actually enjoy these next couple of years instead of living in a state of panic. I will be praying for you and your son.

Anonymous said...

Difficult for me always, this year too! I decided that your loss will be my gain. I will have someone to watch during the halftime too!! Go Lopers!!!

About Nancy said...

Your post brought tears to my eyes. Our son (23 yrs old) is heading off to college for his senior year and will then be off on his own for good. It is a bittersweet time indeed. I know how you feel and pray that you, me, and all other mother's in our shoes will turn to God and see all the faithful ways He protects and provides for our children. They are His after all.

Julie said...

Though I haven't sent a child away to college, yet (my oldest chose not to go). I have sent one overseas for a 5 month's missions trip (my oldest). She plans to return to England either by the end of this month or the end of the year (depends on her support coming in) to live for a year.

It is so hard to let them go. I wrote a post about it when it came time to put her on that airplane. She had barely been out of the house and now she was leaving to go out of the country. Nothing prepares your heart for letting go of your kids... It's a bitter/sweet happening.

I understand.