We sat on a bus in the middle of Pennsylvania, making our way back to Nebraska from a college band tour. It was late and dark with many hours ahead of us, an environment conducive to deep discussions.
"Tell me about your faith," he suddenly asked me.
"What do you want to know?"
"Are you one of those people who is saving themselves for marriage?"
I took a deep breath and answered, "Yes."
"Let's say there was some kind of tragedy in my family and I was really hurting. Being with someone could be very comforting. Wouldn't that be a loving thing to do?"
My jittery fingers were grateful for the dark. "I don't think so."
"It's not?! Sex can be very soothing. What a sacrificial thing to do for a friend."
"I don't know. I would never do that."
"So if I was distraught and needed comfort, you're saying you wouldn't sleep with me?"
"You're more concerned about your ideals than me then."
"It has nothing to do with you. God reserves sex for marriage. As a Christian I have to obey Him first."
"But isn't God a god of love?"
"Then it doesn't make sense. Making love is the deepest way of loving another person."
"I don't know what to tell you. All I know is the Bible says it is for marriage only."
"But that only applies if the Bible is true."
And boom, our conversation turned into debate. All I could stand on was what I knew to be true in scripture. I couldn't explain it and understood he may not be able to grasp it even if I tried since he wasn't a Christian. He waxed poetic about his enlightened state of mind while I felt very small and uncultured and ignorant.
You've been there too, I imagine, feeling like you're under a spotlight, someone challenging your "narrow" way of thinking, saying in essence, "Prove it."
But God IS. He is alive and working. His Word is Truth. I don't have to prove it any more than I have to explain how my e-mail ends up in my inbox.
If God said that Jonah was swallowed by a whale, then the whale swallowed Jonah, and we do not need a scientist to measure the gullet of a whale.
~ A. W. Tozer ~
Why do we Christians feel the need to explain God? To justify our faith? To prove our position is correct? If we believe our God is so big and powerful, is human logic and reasoning really necessary? God can reveal Himself quite nicely without us. Yes, we need to be ready to give an answer to sincere questions, but there is no need for us to get defensive and beaten down.
Jesus didn't succumb to the taunts of the devil either. He spoke truth and left it at that until Satan gave up.
Then the devil left Him, and angels came and attended Him.
Matthew 4:11
We would do well to follow His example. Let the Truth speak for itself.
To read more impressions of this quote, visit Chocolate and Coffee.

Thanks for sharing such a wonderful post.
"We would do well to follow His example. Let the Truth speak for itself."
Amen! I need to learn this Truth down in my heart and not just in my head. Thank you!
"If we believe our God is so big and powerful, is human logic and reasoning really necessary? God can reveal Himself quite nicely without us. Yes, we need to be ready to give an answer to sincere questions, but there is no need for us to get defensive and beaten down."
So true...
Thanks for the great post!
Your IOW is a powerful first-hand story of living faith. Wow! I have been there plenty of times -- having someone challenge my small-minded right-wing Christain wacko' thinking. As followers of Christ, it is not ours to explain. Like Jesus, we are instructed only to speak Truth and leave the convincing to God!
Thought provoking post!
I have been working on just this thing at college. Why do I feel so defensive when someone blasts Christianity? I'm working on a soft answer and trying to think of how God is working in that persons life bring them to Himself. Even though they don't see. Good post.
It seems so simple when you write it, why is it so hard when we have to face it?
I do believe though, the older I get the easier it is to stand up for my faith. Maybe its because I don't care so much about "fitting in" anymore.
Well said!
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