I hate change.
Always have.
Every fall as a kid, I'd have dreams the night before school started, worrying about what the new year held.
I hate it when shoes wear out or you have to replace an appliance or your vehicle bites the dust, because what if you don't like the new things as much as the old?
Choosing a new paint color can be exhausting. How do you know it will give the room the right vibe?
I've never lived farther than an hour away from where I grew up.
Deciding on a new activity is a headache. How will it affect my family, my time, my stress level?
I even get a little jittery moving the furniture around.
So it's no surprise to me this election process has been unsettling for many. No matter who was elected, black or white, man or woman, Republican or Democrat, a new leader would be moving into the White House. What will it mean for us?
Anxiety and apprehension about change is nothing new. Change caused the Israelites t0 wander in the wilderness, be taken into captivity and reject the Messiah. But let's not forget it also paved the way for God to display His power (remember the Red Sea, the walls tumbling down, the fiery furnace?), rescued them from slavery, brought them to the Promised Land and provided a way of salvation for ALL men.
Generations of God's people have worried about the future for their children and maintaining their livelihoods just as we do. They faced uncertainty and fear. How did they cope?
They looked to the only thing that never changes, the Maker of heaven and earth, Almighty God.
I the Lord do not change. So you, O descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed.
Malachi 3:6
We are not destroyed either, no where close. We are safe in His control. As much as it goes against my nature, I choose to be thankful for change. Without it I would never have experienced marriage, motherhood or some really great relationships. I would never learn to trust or hope or dream.
As change begins in our country, I'll keep my eyes on God, pray for those in power and look expectantly for His hand. Worrying over the direction our country is headed accomplishes nothing. Instead, I will embrace this change as a time for new possibilities and opportunities to see God in action.
For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.
Psalm 100:5
Visit other Thankful Thursday participants at Grace Alone...

Hey Tami,
I'm so glad you decided to join us today. I look forward to all your updates! (Funny, I don't get them till the next day on the reader?)
I'm with you on "change", not a great big fan, although my life has been full of them.
Anyhow, I love the scriptures you used, and the reminder that God does NOT change!! Praise God for that. We have this hope, this foundation that will never move.
Hope you have a nice afternoon. I think I need to stop watching the news these days for sure.
Amen, God never changes.
Thank you for your words and your hope. I read the most amazing post today- ended up there randomly- and I see you already have a link to her site. Go to The Preacher's Wife Disappointment post
I enjoyed stopping by your blog. Thank you.
Change is hard and rarely wanted. Thank you for the reminder that in the midst of all the unsettledness He doesn't change! Blessings!
You're right, Change is hard. I'm glad we have Jesus on our side to walk with us through it.
I'm glad God is the same yesterday, today and forever!
I kind of like change but I'm with you on the paint color. That can be torture. The color may be different, but like God, it still has the same strong support underneath.
Always love reading your thoughts.
I love change and find it invigorating. These are unsettling times for our country though. Trusting our God is more important than ever. As you said
"Worrying over the direction our country is headed accomplishes nothing"
Our hope is in the Lord, and he will make everything work out for our good!
Thanks for the reminder.
Thanks for reminding us of the bright spot in this election.
God is the one constant thing in our lives. Blessings from Costa Rica
I am tagging you for a meme. You have blessed me with your blog. Thanks
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