I am a big, fat weenie.
I worry and stew about money as much as anybody. I am full of what ifs. I lay awake at night like the rest of you. I consider the cost too much sometimes, bordering on obsessive.
So to write a post about alleviating fear over the economy may be biting off WAY more than I can chew.
But as I was dealing with my own fears this week, it occurred to me I can handle this worry like any other I have dealt with throughout my life. I find I get too far ahead of myself causing undue stress, so I ask myself a series of questions to focus on one day at a time.
Is there anything I can do about this today?
If so, I push myself to do it. If not, I spend my energy pushing it out of my mind. There is no sense dwelling on something I can do nothing about. (Yes, this is easier said than done, but everything gets better with practice.)
What can I be thankful for?
There is always more good than bad in my life. I just tend to focus on the bad. Concentrating on the good gives me a better perspective.
Has God ever let me down?
Recalling past history with a very gracious God reminds me my fears are unfounded.
What is true about TODAY?
Do I have what I need? Always.
Has my situation changed? Hardly ever.
I know these sound simplistic, but I have found them to be of GREAT comfort in stressful times, helping me think rightly (or sometimes not at all) about the current crisis. It absolutely takes practice to train your brain this way, but the benefit of a peaceful heart and mind is worth it. "One day at a time" is more than a nice adage. It is a healthy way for our heads to live.
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Matthew 6:34

Excellent Tami... Amen. For me, one day at a time is the key. I notice the Lord's prayer says, "give us this day our daily bread."
Small steps forward each day are a good strategy too.
Bless you!
You have such a great outlook. You are amazing. Thank you.
Great word, I needed this reminder!
Thanks for the reminder!! I think a lot of us needed to remember that He has always provided for us.
Amen! We all need to be constantly reminded that God is in control no matter what. Nothing gets past Him first without His approval. Blessings!
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