1) Don't faint or hyperventilate on me. I know you're not going to believe it, but I accomplished something major last weekend--ONE CLOSET CLEANED!!
2) My daughter actually pulled out her old tankini when her bikini was wet and dirty from the day before. She even sounded so nonchalant about the whole deal, like why wouldn't she take it? Wow, do you have any idea how hard it was to bite my tongue on that one?! I had so many one-liners to wing at her, but kept my cool and said nothing. You better believe the "I told you so"s were flinging all over in my head. It's harder to be smug when you have to be mute about it.
3) My journal was missing for a little over a week and though it may sound weird, I felt out of sorts the whole time. My journal is a place I work out the junk sitting in my head. It's where I leave my anxiety, where I record scripture that touches me (even when I don't know why) and my very best way to communicate with God. I didn't felt like I connected with God very well while it was missing. I know I could have used other paper, but I didn't want my thoughts and prayers scattered all over the messy way they already exist in my head. I need the order of one book at a time.
Am I strange?
4) Proof that I am, indeed, an introvert--I spent hours alone in a hotel room this week and it was heaven, I tell you, HEAVEN! I wanted to sigh every five minutes! Aaahhh. . .the quiet never got old.
5) Are you the kind of person who goes into things with big expectations or small ones? Are you usually disappointed or surprised? I'm trying to tame mine down. I think I'd enjoy life more.
Do you think it has anything to do with your natural disposition? Are you an optimist or pessimist, a glass half full or half empty, a dreamer or a realist? I'm the type who wants to believe the impossible can happen. Does that set me up for disappointment?
6) Talk about feeling old! I received an invitation to a 20 year class reunion of some former STUDENTS of mine! In my defense, I must tell you it was my first job out of college, but still, yikes! Should I feel better or worse seeing those kids balding, gray and with smile lines? My bigger fear? What will they think of me?
7) The hubby and I have been out of town the past few days and will come home tonight. Sigh. I could've used at least one more day.
Well, friends, I hope your weekend is spiffy. Hook up with other Quick Take people on Conversion Diary.

Oh, Tami, coming to the end of a vacation is hard...
Q. Are you the kind of person who goes into things with big expectations or small ones?
Q. Are you usually disappointed or surprised?
A. I'm usually happy that they come true... I do my best to work on and fulfill my goals. When they don't work out, I'm surprised and disappointed.
Q. Do you think it has anything to do with your natural disposition?
A. YES. I prefer to be active in life, rather than just "let things happen." Sometimes I can be inflexible as a result. :~(
Q. Are you an optimist or pessimist, a glass half full or half empty, a dreamer or a realist?
A. Compared to my overly optimistic entrepreneurial husband, I'm a realist. I'm usually upbeat though.
Q. I'm the type who wants to believe the impossible can happen. Does that set me up for disappointment?
A. Sometimes. But it sounds like you practice faith and hope! Good for our health, I'm told.
Have a great weekend Tami. :~D
I'm the type who wants to believe the impossible can happen.
I love having my front row seat to watch the impossible happen. Miracles are in the making. I'm seeing it!!!! It won't be disappointing.
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