1) Ladies Man went to church camp this week. With his hair at perfect flippable length and styling his aviator sunglasses, he said to me, "Mom, I have three goals for camp. Number 1--Get closer to God."
"Yeah, good answer," I said.
"Number two," he continued, "Make some new friends and Number three. . ."
Can you guess?
"Meet some girls."
He is SOOOOOO thirteen.
2) We had a wonderful time in the Ozarks. There's something about spending time in a different place, living with different people (wait, I should probably rephrase that--LOVE YOU GUYS!) that helps you gain a better perspective on life. I didn't realize how much I needed a break from the ordinary (and from my computer). We laughed, boated, got sunburned, ate WAY too much and laughed and laughed and laughed. We even swallowed live minnows in a shot of pop! (It's our big claim to fame now--we shot the minnow!) What a great time. Now I'm ready for a fresh start. Thanks Mark and Rachelle! And Rachelle and Edie, don't you dare forget...what happens in the Ozarks, STAYS in the Ozarks!
3) While we were laughing it up in the Ozarks, our older two kids were on their own trips. They came back Sunday night and we were up until almost 1:AM laying around our bedroom telling stories about our trips. It was one of those precious moments you don't want to cut off. We have really great kids. Really. I'm constantly amazed at how they're turning out and how God is grabbing their hearts. It's a testament to His grace. Thank You, Lord.
4) I've performed minor surgery on our gecko this week. The poor lizard has a tough time shedding his skin in a very delicate area and needs help getting it out. I don't mind it really. (He's getting nervous at the sight of me, however!) Sometimes I think I should have gone into the medical field because I love squeezing puss out of wounds and doctoring them up, or removing tough slivers, or popping blackheads and zits (My kids don't seem to appreciate my skills.). I've even taken out my own stitches. I think one reason I didn't go into the medical field was because I was afraid of messing it up. I mean it's one thing to make a mistake on a gecko, but another thing entirely to screw something up on a person, you know what I mean? I'm not sure I could take that kind of pressure.
5) Talk about old! Last night I pulled an ingrown hair out of my chin!
6) The time is slowing ticking away to the day our oldest goes off to college again. It's been great having him home, but he's ready to get started at his new school. The school he's transferring to is MUCH bigger and he's been working hard to make their drum line. He's practiced so much he has a blister! It will be cool to see him in a Husker uniform. When I was in high school I made the first cut for the Cornhusker Marching Band, but didn't end up going to school there. His dad and I were both band geeks. His dad was even the drum major in high school and college. And now we've spawned another band geek. It brings tears to my eyes. Not.
7) I still haven't had "the talk" with my youngest, but it will have to happen soon. Last week when I asked if one of her friends was in church she told me, "No, someone said she was home with female problems, whatever that means." I'm really gonna have to do it, people. Pray!
That's all she wrote on this unusually cool morning in Nebraska. Have a great weekend, my friends, and enjoy more Quick Takes at Conversion Diary.

1 comment:
Don't worry about the hair on your chin... it will grow back, a bring a few friends wiht it too!
Welcome home. It sounds like your trip to the Ozards was perfection. :~D
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